


Mr. Christopher Forte

Phone: 772-219-1655 Ext. 33103


I am proud and honored to be Hidden Oaks Middle School Instructional Leader/Principal. Throughout my years in education, I have served in many capacities, from physical education teacher at the elementary level to an algebra 1/geometry teacher and dean at the high school level, to an assistant principal at the middle school level. As an educator, I hold value in creating an atmosphere of success for our scholars, a partnership with our community, and a school building where all individuals feel valued and accepted. I look forward to leading Hidden Oaks Middle School and seeing the amazing success take place for all of our scholars!


Assistant Principal


Mr. Guillermo Orozco: Curriculum and Assessment

Phone: 772-219-1655 Ext. 33102


"I am excited to have the opportunity to work at Hidden Oaks Middle School and its community.  Throughout my career as an educator, I have served in various capacities: Teacher (Social Studies – High School), Dean of Discipline (High School), Assistant Principal over Discipline and Student Services (High School), and Assistant Principal over Curriculum and Assessments (Middle School).  My guiding philosophy as an assistant principal is to support all of those around me (students, colleagues, and families) in the best way I can.  My goal for our students is to help them meet their academic goals and reach their fullest potential."

Mrs. Johnson

Mrs. Anne Johnson: Student Services

Phone: 772-219-1655 Ext. 33104


Title IX Coordinator