Leigh Anne Pike

Leigh Anne Pike

Library Media Specialist


772-219-1800 x32118

MCHS Media Center Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30am - 4:00pm

Library Media Center

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.

Charles W. Eliot (1834 - 1926)  

   The Happy Life, 1896

The MCHS Library Media Center (LMC) of today is NOT just about BOOKS anymore! It’s about EMPOWERING students to be masters of their own learning.

  1. Yesterday's libraries were all about books. Today's libraries are all about readers.

  2. Yesterday's libraries were all about getting information. Today's libraries are all about creating and sharing information.

  3. Yesterday's libraries were all about silent individuals. Today's libraries are all about active groups.

  4. Yesterday's libraries were all about term papers. Today's libraries are all about multimedia hands-on collaborative projects.

The MCHS LMC embraces the concepts of today’s library! 

Short Range Goals for the Media Program

  • Support MCSD Digital Learning Initiatives by providing professional development and active use/example

  • Align instruction and professional development to the SIP plan

  • Purchase resources and materials aligned to SIP plan and digital learning

Long Range Goals for the Media Program

  • Foster and build a community of Future Ready Learners

  • Build a balanced and current collection that reflects the current and future needs of the school

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Albert Einstein quote