Standards and Curriculum

BEST Standards

Benchmark Advance


Reading Curriculum

Benchmark Advance 2.0 provides all students with the opportunity to become avid readers and problem solvers. Students in the primary grades will engage in shared reading experiences. Students in all grade levels will participate in interactive read-alouds, whole group lessons, small group instruction, one-to-one conferring, independent reading, and culminating projects related to their units of study.

Writing Curriculum

Our writing curriculum also allows for opportunities make reading and writing connections. Through the use of mentor authors read aloud during interactive read alouds, students will learn how authors craft many genres of writing. Direct instruction during writing blocks will provide students explicit teaching on how to create narrative, persuasive, and informational texts or essays in the intermediate grades. All students will receive whole group, small group, and one-to-one conferring to support their needs as young authors.

Phonological Awareness, Phonics, & Vocabulary Curriculum

Benchmark Advance 2.0, also provides lessons on foundational skills such as phonological awareness and phonics. Students in grades K-3, will also use Wilson Fundations and Heggerty to supplement the curriculum in these areas on an 'as needed' basis.

All grade levels will have instruction on vocabulary, however, not simply defining a word, but learning about how words work and how to determine the meaning of unknown words.

Reading make jam

Job Embedded PD

Character Day

Shared Reading


Math Picture


Mathematics instruction will transition to Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T), as well for the 2022-23, school year. Students in grades K-5 will use our newly adopted curriculum enVision Florida by SAVVAS. All teachers use the concrete, representational, abstract method to teach students mathematical concepts and provide daily opportunities for mathematical discourse and hands-on experiences. Our teachers use a variety of innovative ways to support student engagement and learning in math.

Ellis Island Simulation- Grade 2

Earth Day President

Ellis Island Flags

House of Hope Garden


Florida's B.E.S.T. Standards wrap the content areas of science and social studies around ELA standards which provides greater opportunity for students to delve deeper into their learning about the world around them as readers and writers. The Next Generation Sunshine Standards in Science and Social Studies are used for explicit instruction, as well. Our science curriculum is elevateScience and for social studies, Gallopade. All curriculum can be accessed through ClassLink. Our teachers always find ways to incorporate unique activities that align to the standards and keep our students engaged in learning.

FPL Assembly


Math Outside


Wildcat in science lab

Giving Garden


glow slime experiment

post office