PBiS - Positive Behavior Intervention Support
At PCE, we are dedicated to achieving educational excellence by fostering and nurturing a well-disciplined and supportive climate which encourages the love of learning.
What is PBIS? Positive Behavior Intervention Support is a behavior system that uses effective instructional strategies, consistent correction procedures, logical consequences and positive reinforcement to teach students the skills and behaviors necessary for their current and future success.
This approach to behavior can occur on a school-wide level, in a specific setting, classroom, or with an individual student.
PCE Commitments
Wildcats put their best “PAWS” forward:

Teaching Commitments:
Every month the PAWS Team which represents all of our social-emotional learning initiatives, including PBIS, Conscious Discipline, Restorative Practices, and Character Counts!, meets to discuss data gathered on student behaviors and determines areas to teach into which would have a positive impact on their social-emotional wellness. The team also helps to plan out our ever-so-amazing SPIRIT Assemblies. We use these assemblies to teach and reinforce our commitments and celebrate our successes as one school family. Each class will empty their commitment jar of Paw Prints they have collected for being Polite, Aware, Wise, and Safe into our school-wide commitment container. When we reach our goal, we have a school-wide celebration. These are often supported by our amazing PTA!