School information
School hours
Instructional day-9:00-2:45 p.m.
Office Hours-7:00 - 3:30 p.m.
School records can be obtained by emailing Parents requesting records must attach a readable image of their driver’s license as proof of identity. Schools and organizations must attach a formal request on a school records request form or using organization letterhead. Email requests alone cannot be accepted.
Gary Sparks, Principal
Rosalie Reid, Principal Secretary
(561)744-0211 ext. *3110
Riverbend Virtual Open House
R- Remember Respect B- Be Safe A- Act Responsibly
Educate in a therapeutic environment to inspire all students to reach their academic and behavioral goals.
Collaborate with partner organization in assisting each student to overcome educational, social, interpersonal, psychological and biomedical barriers, by protecting dignity, expanding opportunity, seeking strategies, and inspiring students for success.