Parents & Supporters
SAI Message to Parents & Supporters
Dear Parents & Supporters of the SFHS Army JROTC Program:
My name is Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Joy Lehnert. I am the Senior Army Instructor (SAI) and I would like to start by saying, Welcome to the JROTC Family! I truly mean that! In this program, we treat one another like family. I assure all of you that I truly care about your child and will always strive for transparency and openness. Both Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Efrem Evans and I will do everything we can to help your son or daughter graduate from high school and have fun doing it!
The mission of the JROTC program is to "motivate young people to be better citizens". We do not recruit Cadets for military service, there is no service obligation associated with JROTC, and we do not teach warfighting. Our goal is to provide Cadets with the tools and skills needed to be successful in high school and in life. Our Motto is “Citizenship, Leadership, Challenge and Responsibility.” We teach (and believe in) hard work, honesty, a good education, and giving something back to the community. The SFHS Army JROTC program teaches students to:
• Appreciate the ethical values that underlie good citizenship.
• Develop leadership potential and work cooperatively with others.
• Think logically and communicate effectively (both orally and in writing).
• Appreciate the importance of physical fitness and maintaining good health.
• Understand ways to resist negative peer pressure.
• Develop critical thinking skills and management capabilities.
• Become familiar with our military history/structure.
• Understand the importance of high school graduation.
• Learn about college and other advanced educational and employment opportunities.
• Work effectively as a member of a team.
In closing, I would like to give a HUGE THANKS to those parents and supporters who are currently engaged with our program! Your support is truly appreciated! I would also like to say THANKS to those who are considering SFHS Army JROTC for your loved one and for your potential partnership in helping to develop these outstanding Cadets into outstanding American Citizens. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or CSM Evans.

Our goal is to make the South Fork High School JROTC Program the BEST in the State of Florida! However, we CANNOT do it without your help and support. Most experts agree that parental involvement should go beyond attendance at teacher conferences and open-houses. Studies show that parental involvement in a child's education is one of the most important factors in raising students’ self-esteem and academic achievement. Moreover:
1. Volunteering Makes a Difference in your Child’s Education: Children whose parents are involved in their schools do better academically.
2. Volunteering Allows You to Spend More Time with Your Child: Becoming a school volunteer allows you to share school-related experiences and create memories with your child.
3. Volunteering Helps Create Community: Volunteering at school is a great way to connect with other parents and create a circle of adult friends.
4. Volunteering Allows You to Get to Know Teachers and Staff: Your child’s teacher and school staff are your teammates in parenting during the school year. They have a tremendous impact on children, both academically and socially. Having a presence at school is a great way to get to know them better and show them your support.
5. Volunteering Makes Schools Better: Schools that have a strong school volunteer base perform better. There are so many demands placed on schools with limited financial resources. Any volunteer effort can help bridge that gap at no additional cost to the program.
In closing, we realize that each family is unique – with its own priorities, needs, talents, and time constraints. So, we are trying to provide as many different opportunities for parental involvement as possible - in particular, LEVEL 2 and LEVEL 3 VOLUNTEERS. For more information, please click on the links below:
Donations & Fundraisers
Fundraisers and donations provide us with the funding needed to create a great environment for our Cadets . Our largest annual expenses are the Military Ball and Awards Ceremony. The remaining donations go toward supplies, activities and extracurricular events that enhance the Cadets' experience. Lastly, fundraising helps us to engage with the community in a meaningful way. By reaching out to potential donors and sponsors, we are able to raise awareness about our mission and build relationships with community members who share our values. This leads to increased support and a more dedicated base of volunteers and advocates.
**If you know of any fundraising opportunities, please contact LTC Lehnert. We are always looking for ways to raise money to support the Cadets !
Community Supporters
The Bulldog Battalion would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our local businesses and supporters who have showed their generosity through donations, volunteer labor, and other types of aid for our program.
Their continuous support assists us in our goal of becoming the top Army JROTC program in the state. Please join us in saluting their selfless service to the community!