Stuart Registrations:
GED/ESOL/HS Susana Moreno moreno1@martinschools.org (772) 219-1200 X 43163
Indiantown Registration
Dalila Perez perezd@matinschools.org (772) 219-1200 X51161
Indiantown Adult High School Students:
Rosa Williams williar@martinschools.org (772) 219-1200 X51162
Please Bring to Register:
$30 Money Order
Picture ID
Helpful Links
Adult Education

There has never been a better time to continue your education and the path to your future! We offer High School classes, credit recovery for High School classes, English for Speaker of Other Languages and GED classes at our centers in Stuart and Indiantown.
We offer:
Flexible day and evening classes
Childcare for day students for 1yr to 4yrs
Small class size for individualized learning
Virtual educational classroom support
Caring and Dedicated Teachers and Staff
Adult Education Maps & Directions
Stuart Campus (Click Link for Map and Directions) (Haga clic en Enlace para mapa e indicaciones)
1150 SE West St. Joseph's Ave. Stuart, FL 34996
16451 SW Farm Rd , Indiantown , FL 34956
Stuart Campus
Please contact Lizandra Dominguez at 772-1200-ext 43162 to schedule an appointment to register.
All registrations are by appointment only.
There is a $ 30.00 enrollment fee payable by money order only.
GED and ESOL students will be required to bring the money order prior to orientation.
Stuart Community Adult High School.
All candidates must schedule an appointment with Josh Burgess (Dean of Students ) or Melissa Eversdyke (Coordinator of Adult Education) to determine eligibility to enroll in the Adult High School.
GED/ESOL Stuart Adult Learning Center
All students must complete registration and testing prior to orientation. Students who fail to complete these steps will be required to wait until the next scheduled orientation before starting class.
Indiantown Campus
Indiantown Campus.
Please call 772-219-1200 x51164 to schedule an appointment to register.
All registrations are by appointment only.
It is recommended to wear a mask while indoors.
There is a $ 30.00 enrollment fee payable by money order only.
GED and ESOL students will be required to bring the money order prior to orientation.
GED/ESOL Indiantown Adult Learning Center
All students must complete registration and testing prior to orientation. Students who fail to complete these steps will be required to wait until the next scheduled orientation before starting class.
Indiantown Adult High School:
All candidates must schedule an appointment with Josh Burgess (Dean of Students ) or Melissa Eversdyke (Adult Education Coordinator) to determine eligibility to enroll in the Adult High School.