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Benefit Eligibility
Employee Eligibility
Employees are eligible to participate in the Martin County School District's insurance plans if they are a regular employee scheduled to work 30 or more hours per week.
Coverage is effective the 1st of the month following a 30 day waiting period.
Dependent Eligibility
A dependent is defined as the legal spouse and/or dependent child(ren) of the participant or spouse. The term “child” includes any of the following:
A natural child
A stepchild
A legally adopted child
A newborn child (up to the age of 18 months old) of a covered dependent (Florida)
A child for whom legal guardianship has been awarded to the participant or the participant’s spouse
Please Note: Appropriate documentation is required for all dependents covered under any MCSD insurance plan. Deadline to submit dependent documentation is 30 days from the effective date of employee elections. Submit copies of documentation to the Risk & Employee Benefits Department.
Dependent Age Requirements
Medical Coverage: A dependent child may be covered through the end of the calendar year in which the child turns age 26. An over-age dependent may continue to be covered on the medical plan to the end of the calendar year in which the child reaches age 30, if the dependent meets the following requirements:
Unmarried with no dependents; and
A Florida resident, or full-time or part-time student; and
Otherwise uninsured; and
Not entitled to Medicare benefits under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, unless the child is disabled
Dental Coverage: A dependent child may be covered through the end of calendar year in which child turns age 26.
Vision Coverage: A dependent child may be covered through the end of the calendar year in which child turns age 26.
Eligible Dependent Resources
Taxable Dependents
Employee covering adult children under employee's medical insurance plan may continue to have the related coverage premiums payroll deducted on a pre-tax basis through the end of the calendar year in which the child reaches age 26. Beginning January 1 of the calendar year in which the child reaches age 27 through the end of the calendar year in which the child reaches age 30, employee will be charged an additional premium on a post-tax basis to continue coverage for such dependents. Contact the Risk & Employee Benefits Department for further details if covering an adult child who will turn age 27 any time during the upcoming calendar year or for more information.
Disabled Dependents
Coverage for an unmarried dependent child may be continued beyond age 26 if:
The dependent is physically or mentally disabled and incapable of self-sustaining employment (prior to age 26); and
Primarily dependent upon the employee for support; and
The dependent is otherwise eligible for coverage under the group medical plan; and
The dependent has been continuously insured; and
Coverage with MCSD began prior to age 26
Proof of disability will be required. MCSD requires the employee to provide documentation from the Social Security Administration indicating your child has been deemed disabled. Proof must be provided 30 calendar days prior to when your child would no longer meet the eligibility age definition or at the initial enrollment time. Please contact the Risk & Employee Benefits Department if further clarification is needed.
New Hire Enrollment
Employee coverage will be effective the 1st of the month following a 30 day waiting
Benefit elections must be completed before the effective date of coverage. For example, if an employee is hired on February 11, employee coverage will be effective on April 1 and employee must make benefits elections by March 31.
Please Note: Appropriate documentation is required for all dependents covered under any MCSD insurance plan. Deadline to submit dependent documentation is 30 days from the effective date of employee elections. Upload copies of documentation into Bentek by click "My Documents" from the Bentek dashboard.
School Board Member Eligibility
School Board Members are eligible to enroll in all lines of coverage except Disability Insurance and the Voluntary Retirement Savings Program
Business Eligibility Rules
A current copy of the Business Eligibility Rules is available upon request from the Risk and Benefits Department. Please contact the Risk and Benefits Department at 772-219-1200 extension 30206 to request a copy.