Elementary STEM Fair
2024 - 2025
The Martin County Elementary STEM fair is an academic competition for public, charter, private, and homeschools in Martin County grades K - 5. While teachers or schools may require their students to conduct an investigation, participation in the district competition is a voluntary decision made by the student.
Martin County Regional Science and Engineering Fair (MCRSEF) Elementary District Coordinator: Mrs. Crystal Hallee: halleec@martinschools.org
Would you like to donate? Martin County Science and Engineering Fair Donation Form
Thank you to the Education Foundation of Martin County for sponsoring our event!

Elementary STEM Fair Rules
The following are NOT allowed - NO EXCEPTIONS:
Live VERTEBRATE animals (invertebrate animals need to be approved by the District Coordinator)
Microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi: yeast, mold, mushrooms, etc.)
alcohol, fire, hazardous chemicals, or firearms (including Nerf-style guns) regardless of parental supervision
Human subjects may be used if they’re not actually the focus of the experiment
For example:
testing the effect of music on plants is not using humans if they're the ones playing the instrument.
Using simulated germs and testing handwashing is testing humans, it’s testing the hand washing process.
School STEAM Activities Coordinators
Person at the School site that is responsible for all communication to STEM Fair participants and the school School Site STEM Fair. They are the liason from the school to the MCRSEF Team. Please see the list below for you school contact.
School | STEAM Activities Coordinator | Email Address |
BCE | Kendra Remian | |
CGE | Alexis Gibson | |
CLE | Elaine Sanchez | |
FAWE | Kim Higgins | |
HSE | Stephanie DeVoe | |
JBE | Lauren Liberty | |
JDP | TBD | |
PCE | Hannah Alterman | altermh@martinschools.org |
PWE | Richard Acosta | acostar@martinschools.org |
PSE | Patricia Holts | holtsp@martinschools.org |
SWE | Michael Forquett | fourqum@martinschools.org |
WES | Mark Keever | keeverm@martinschools.org |
Contact Information
Jennifer Borges Ed. S
Coordinator of K-12 Science
MCSD Science Fair Director
(772) 219-1200 #30184