Please complete the attached form
Bring a $30 Money Order and Picture ID to enrollment
Dalila Perez perezd@martinschools.org (772) 219-1200 Ext 51161

Indiantown Adult Learning Center

Indiantown Adult Learning Center 16451 SW Farm Rd. Indiantown FL 34956 772-219-1200 x51164
Class Schedules:
Daytime: 16-20 hours per week required
8am to 2pm
Fridays by appointment with teacher
Evening 10-12 hours per week required
5pm to 9pm
GED Classes
State of Florida High School Diploma
Classes focused on GED test prep (Math, Reading, Social Studies, Science)
Must be 16 years of age
Must be unenrolled from any other high school program
$30 per semester enrollment fee per FL statute
Remote or in person learning options
Student schedules based on CASAS test results to ensure student accurate placement
Remote or in person learning options
Literacy, Citizenship, Civics, Math, Career Education
Student schedules based on CASAS results to ensure accurate student placement
Must be 16 years of age
Must be unenrolled from any other high school program
$30 per semester enrollment fee per FL statute