Indian River State College (IRSC) Fee Waiver Approval
Fee Waiver Process
Fee Waiver Process for courses taken at Indian River State College (IRSC), the Martin County School District will cover 2/3 of the tuition fee for its regular employees who enroll in undergraduate course work at IRSC.
Steps to complete:
Register for the undergraduate course you would like to attend.
Do not pay for the course at that time
Complete Fee Waiver IRSC form #504 Billing Authorization Form (Voucher). (link below)
Complete IRSC Fee Waiver Addendum. (link below)
Save/Print the IRSC Student Class Schedule & Fee Statement. (see sample)
To obtain an authorized signature, email the completed IRSC Form #504, IRSC Fee Waiver Addendum, and IRSC Student Class Schedule & Fee Statement to
We will email you the IRSC Form #504 once approved.
Return the authorized Fee Waiver IRSC form #504 to IRSC Accounts Receivable
IRSC requires the forms (vouchers) be received at least 3 days BEFORE the last day for DROP per semester. You are also required to pay your portion prior to the DROP date, otherwise IRSC will drop your course for non-payment.
The fee waiver is only for an In-State tuition reduction for Associate and Baccalaureate level courses and may not be used for books or lab fees associated with IRSC courses. Due to limited funding in the agreement with IRSC, MCSD regular employees may only receive the fee waiver for one course per academic semester.
Please note that funding for financial assistance is based upon an annual contribution from Indian River State College. As a result, once these funds have been exhausted, the waiver program will sunset for the current school year.