Protected time for lunch and professional planning each school day:
Per FL Statute 1012.22(h) - Planning and training time for teachers —The district school board shall adopt rules to make provisions for teachers to have time for lunch, professional planning, and professional development time when they will not be directly responsible for the children if some adult supervision is furnished for the students during such periods.
Requirement for issuance of a contract and specifying the terms of employment:
Per FL Statute 1012.22(d) - Contracts and terms of service —The district school board shall provide written contracts for all regular members of the instructional staff.
Requirement to provide teachers with sick/personal leave time:
Florida Statute 1012.61 - Sick Leave - All employees entitled to earn sick leave will be credited with four (4) days as of the first day of employment each fiscal year, and one (1) day each month employed thereafter (accruals post on the 15th and last day of the month), for a total of one (1) day for each full month of employment. Sick leave is cumulative from year to year.
Personal Leave - Six (6) days of your annual accrued sick leave may be used for personal reasons each fiscal school year. Since personal leave is actually sick leave utilized for personal reasons, you must have an equivalent amount of sick leave available for usage. Personal leave must be approved by your supervisor at least one day in advance. No more than five (5) personal leave days may be taken consecutively.
Sick Leave Payout - Payment for accumulated sick leave, upon resignation, retirement, or death is as follows for employees hired on or after July 1, 2011 (subject to the district policy maximum):
After fifteen (15) years of consecutive service (may be non-consecutive for instructional employees), the daily rate of pay multiplied by 50%.
MCSD's offerings towards Life Insurance and the School Board’s contribution toward a Medical Insurance Plan:
Life Insurance - MCSD provides Basic Term Life Insurance to all benefit-eligible employees through The Hartford and pays 100% of the premium based on plan limits listed below. Employee Basic Term Life Insurance is subject to age reductions. Benefit amounts are reduced by 35% of the original amount at age 65 and a reduction of 50% of the original amount at age 70. If the employee becomes totally disabled while insured and is under the age of 60, the employee may be eligible for a waiver of premium. Further information on this can be found by calling the Risk & Employee Benefits Department.
All active non-administrative employees are covered for a benefit amount of $35,000.
All active administrative employees are covered for a benefit amount of two (2) times their annual salary rounded to the next higher $1,000 up to a maximum of $75,000. Administrative employees include confidential secretaries, extended day managers, food service managers, and plant operators.
Medical Plan Contribution - The School Board contributes money towards each employee's medical plan, to offset the costs for annual coverage.