Retirement Planning is important for every employee in the District. Martin County School District participates in the Florida Retirement System (FRS).  Employees who are new to the district and employees who are returning to the FRS after a break in service must choose between the FRS Pension Plan or the FRS Investment Plan within the first eight months of employment. If you don't make a selection during that time period your retirement plan will default to the FRS Investment Plan. The FRS Pension Plan is a defined benefit plan, in which you are promised a benefit at retirement if you meet a certain criteria.  The FRS Investment Plan is a defined contribution plan, in which employer and employee contributions are defined by law, but your benefit depends in part on the performance of your investment funds.  To learn more about the different plans please see below and/or visit

Welcome to the Martin County School District! Choose Your FRS Retirement Plan!

FRS Retirement Plan Resources