Title 1

Parent Resource Center

15383 SW Osceola Street, Indiantown, Florida 34956


Monday-Wednesday 10:00am-4:00pm
Thursday 10:00am 5:00pm
Friday By Appointment

What is Title I?

Title I is a supplementary, federally funded educational program. The program is implemented in qualifying schools to provide an enriched and accelerated learning environment for students. Achievement of high academic standards is promoted through the services and resources provided by Title I funds. The goal of Title I is to enhance student success by providing a high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment.

Why is it important?

To ensure that we educate all students for success, Title I Parent Resource Center staff, family members, and community agencies will work cooperatively to increase and strengthen family and school partnerships. 

The Title I program for parents is designed to:

  • Inform parents and families about Title I regulationsInvolve parents and families in local Title I decisions

  • Provide literacy training

  • Offer parental training in schools and the community on ways to raise student achievement via at home activities

  • Encourage active participation in their child(ren)’s schools and education

Martin County School District Title I Schools

Schools We Serve:

Title I Resources & Information