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Two MCSD Employee Family
If both an employee and the employee's spouse are employed by MCSD in benefit-eligible positions, and have benefit-eligible dependent children, the employees are defined as a “two MCSD employee family.” One employee is considered the “primary” insured and the spouse becomes a dependent of the primary spouse along with the child(ren). Any insurance premiums associated with the “two MCSD employee family” rate are taken via payroll deduction from the primary spouse.
If employees are enrolling for the first time as a “two MCSD employee family” either due to a new hire, marriage, or birth, enrollment for employee benefit plan(s) is different from the standard procedure. Please contact the Risk & Employee Benefits Department to ensure proper elections and online enrollment.
If both the employee and the employee's spouse are employed by MCSD, but are not insuring dependent children, the employees are not considered a two MCSD employee family. Each employee enrolls separately and maintains their own benefit plan(s). It is the employee's responsibility to contact the Risk & Employee Benefits Department timely if the employee has a qualifying event that changes the eligibility as a “two MCSD employee family,” such as divorce or dependent children ineligibility.
Changes in marital status when covered as a two MCSD employee family will be classified as a Qualifying Event under IRS Code Section 125. Requests to make changes must be made within 30 days of the qualifying event. Failure to notify the Risk & Employee Benefits Department within 30 days of a change in marital status may result in denial of the request and the employee(s) may be responsible both legally and financially for any additional premiums and or claim expenses incurred. For information regarding Qualifying Life Events, CLICK HERE.
Please Note: If both legal spouses are insured as employees, eligible dependent children may be insured as dependents of only one (1) employee under the Dependent Life Insurance.