Vendor Information

Fingerprinting Requirement FAQ's
“Who is required to be fingerprinted?”
Please complete the vendor form for further information in regards to the fingerprinting process.
The law requires that certain “contractual personnel”* must meet screening requirements as described in Florida Statute 1012.32. If an entity does business with the School Board, then its employees and agents, including sub-contracted personnel, must meet the background screening requirements if they:
are permitted access on school grounds when students are present, or
have direct contact with students, or
have access to or control of school funds.
Upon completion and clearance through the screening, the contractor will be issued a State-Wide Photo ID Badge”. This photo ID badge is required to enter or remain on school grounds and must be worn at all times.
“Where do Vendors and Contractors go to be screened?”
Fingerprints are now being taken through Fieldprint by appointment only.
“Do all vendors and contractors have to be screened by every district with which they do business? Will the Martin County Schools accept screening from another District?”
A non-instructional contractor who is subject to a fingerprint screening shall inform a school district that he or she has completed a criminal history check in another school district since July 1, 2007. The school district shall verify the results of the contractor’s criminal history check using the shared system implemented by the FDLE.
“What is the cost?”
Effective August 1, 2020 the cost for the Screening is $83.25 per person. This includes the collection of a fee from FDLE associated with the retention of fingerprints for individuals who are fingerprinted as a contractor or vendor with a Florida public school district. Effective July 1, 2009 this
Fingerprints submitted as contractors or vendors are retained in the FDLE’s Florida Shared School Results System (FSSRS) for a period of five (5) years. All fingerprints retained in the FDLE shared database will automatically be purged by FDLE from the automated fingerprint identification system five (5) years following the date of original submission. There is no cost for verifying the results of a prior criminal history check in another school district. The cost for the “State-Wide Photo ID Badge” is $10.00.
The cost for the national Background Check (FDLE and FBI check) is $83.25 and must be paid prior to being printed. All contractors will be required to purchase a Contractor ID badge through FieldPrint at the cost of $10.00. Please complete the vendor form for further information in regards to the fingerprinting process.
You must bring a copy of a photo ID to Human Resources @ 1939 SE Federal Highway, Stuart, FL 34994.
“What happens if an employee who has previously been cleared gets arrested?”
The law requires a contractor who is arrested for a disqualifying offense to report the arrest to the employer or primary contractor and the school district within 48 hours. Any individual in possession of a State-Wide photo ID badge who is arrested for a disqualifying offense defined under Florida Statute 1012.467(2)(g), is automatically disqualified by the Martin County School District from entering or remaining upon any school grounds and shall immediately surrender their “Photo ID Badge” to their employer who is responsible for returning said badge to the Martin County School District Human Resource Department within 48 hours of the arrest or notice of the arrest and/or criminal offense.
“What happens if I fail to report an arrest?”
A contractor arrested for a disqualifying offense as outlined below and enumerated in Florida Statute 1012.467(2)(g), who willfully fails to inform his or her employer or the party to whom he or she is under contract and the school district within 48 hours of the arrest commits a felony of the third ( 3rd ) degree, punishable by a maximum of five years in prison and a five thousand dollar fine.
“What is the employer’s responsibility when an employee gets arrested?”
If the employer of a contractor or the party to whom the contractor is under contract knows the contractor has been arrested for any of the disqualifying offenses and authorizes the arrested contractor to be present on school grounds when students are present, such party commits a felony of the third (3rd) degree, punishable by a maximum of five years in prison and a five thousand dollar fine.
Any individual in possession of a State-Wide Photo ID Badge who is arrested for a disqualifying offense defined under Florida Statute 1012.467(2)(g), is automatically disqualified by the Martin County School District from entering or remaining upon any school grounds and shall immediately surrender their “Photo ID Badge” to their employer who is responsible for returning said badge to the Martin County School District Human Resource Department within 48 hours of the arrest or notice of the arrest and/or criminal offense.
A non-instructional contractor for whom a Level 2 screening is required may not have been convicted* of any of the following offenses, any similar offense in another jurisdiction, or any similar offense committed in this state which has been redesignated from a former provision of the Florida statutes to one of the following offenses:
Any offense listed in section 943.0435(1)(a)1., relating to the registration of an individual as a Sexual Offender.
Section 393.135 and 394.4593, relating to Sexual Misconduct with Developmentally Disabled Clients and/or Mental Health Patients and the .............Failure to Report such Sexual Misconduct.
Section 775.30 relating to Terrorism.
Section 782.04 relating to Murder.
Section 787.01 relating to Kidnapping.
Any offense under Chapter 800, relating to Lewd, Lascivious or Indecent Acts or Exposure.
Section 826.04, relating to Incest.
Section 827.03, relating to Child Abuse, Aggravated Child Abuse, or Neglect of a Child.
“Once individuals have been fingerprinted, how do vendors or contractors prove that they have been screened?”
Once employees have received a fingerprint screening, a State-Wide Photo ID Badge will be issued. Individuals coming onto Martin County School grounds must wear their “Photo ID Badge” at all times while on school property.
“If an individual fails the screening, does the individual or their employer learn why?”
Jurisdiction is not disqualifying under the list of disqualifying offenses provided in Florida Statute 1012.467(2)(g).
Employers will receive a letter indicating that an employee is not approved; however the specific reason will not be disclosed.
“Are Charter Schools impacted?”
Yes. Charter Schools are public schools with public school students and their vendors must fully comply with the law.
“Do PTA representatives need to be screened when visiting schools?”
PTA representatives are not subject to the requirements of a screening, but may have their names and other identifying information checked against the Sexual Predator and Sexual Offender Registries.
*See Definitions below of relevant terms
“Contractual Personnel” are defined as any vendor, individual, or entity under contract with a school or the school board or school district.
“Non-Instructional Contractor” is any individual vendor or entity under contract with a school or school board or school district who receives remuneration and is not otherwise considered an employee.
“School Grounds” are the buildings and grounds of any public Pre-K, Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, Junior High, High or Secondary School, or combination of grades Pre-K through 12, together with the school district land.
“Conviction” means that the person has been found guilty of, regardless of adjudication, or entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to the crime. Persons who have a pending (open) criminal case involving and enumerated offense defined under Florida Statute 1012.467(2)(g) as a disqualifying offense are automatically disqualified and must immediately surrender any previously issued “Photo ID Badge” to the Martin County School District Human Resource Department within 48 hours of the arrest or notice of the criminal offense.