In the aftermath of Hurricane Milton, Murray Middle School faced significant damage as tornadoes tore through the campus and its surrounding community. Among those deeply affected was Israel Cruz, a dedicated custodian at the school whose family experienced devastating losses, including three vehicles and severe damage to their home.
Moved by Mr. Cruz’s resilience and steadfast commitment to the school, the Murray Middle School PTA, in partnership with Ascent Church and Wallace Nissan, organized a fundraising campaign to support him. Their efforts united the community, raising an impressive $9,700 to purchase a vehicle for Mr. Cruz.
On Wednesday, December 11, Mr. Cruz was surprised with his new vehicle during a special event held at Murray Middle School. Staff, PTA members, and representatives from Ascent Church and Wallace Nissan gathered to celebrate and present this heartfelt gift to Mr. Cruz, who is a beloved member of the school community.
"I think the community is an awesome place," said Chrissy Rausch, Murray Middle School mom and PTA member. "We've actually only been in this area for three years, and just to see the way people rally and come together, it's just amazing."
This extraordinary act of kindness showcased the strength and compassion of the Murray Middle School community as they came together to support one of their own in a time of need.