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A Rated School

The CGE Crest

G.O.A.Ts meet Goats

Field Day!

Motivating Readers

IGNITE creativity, teamwork, competition, leadership, spirit, innovation, unity...POSSIBILITIES!

Nothing beats a day in the Grove #WeareCitrusorange

Martin County you are loud. I’ve been looking for you my whole life. Your energy is unmatched; this is what education should feel like!

CGE Track Team 3peat Winners! #WeareCitrus

Students earn book vending machine tickets each time they earn 25 MCSDReads points. #WeareCitrus💞EFMC📚

When you call the front office to verify some forms and you know they are most likely getting slammed with calls, and they are just sooooo BUBBLY and HAPPY!!!! (Bonus points when they know your kiddo's name).. Citrus Grove Elementary Staff is nothing short of amazing!!

National School Lunch Week celebrates making healthy food choices all year long!

We want you! Interested in sharing your insights about how amazing MCSD and CGE are with our website viewers? Contact Mrs. Windsor, our Media Specialist: windsos@martinschools.org