Career Readiness Education: Our Focus at CGE
Welcome to CRE at CGE, where we integrate Career Readiness Education into the heart of our curriculum. During the school day, we foster a direct connection between small business, agriculture, and career development using real-world thinking experiences.
Our commitment extends to Problem-Based Learning (PBL) where students from different grades tackle community-relevant issues, enhancing their understanding through grade-level focused PBLs and career-readiness learning collections. Our cohort system further tailors learning experiences: in the 1st and 3rd years, students connect with community service sectors like police, fire departments, and medical fields; the 2nd and 5th years focus on nurturing entrepreneurial skills through small business projects; while Kindergarten and 4th graders dive deep into the world of plant and animal agriculture.

We take great pride in expanding our strong school-community connections outside of the regular day by hosting engaging STEAM family events that broaden our academic impact, and providing widespread access to enriching after-school extracurricular clubs.

Join us as we focus on career-readiness education at CGE, where we cultivate not just students, but future community leaders and innovators.