Guidance Counselor: Lindsey Branco
Mrs. Branco's School Counseling Program
Tier 1: Guidance Lessons
Lesson 1: Meet the School Counselor (August - September)
Lesson 2: Social: Conflict Resolution & Bullying (October - November)
Lesson 3: Emotional: Managing Stress & Anxiety (January - February)
Lesson 4: Academic: College & Career Awareness (March - April)
Character Trait of the Week (August-May)
"Start With Hello" Week (September 19th - 23rd)
Unity Day (October 19th)
Tier 2 & 3: Small Group/ Individual Counseling
Small Group Counseling
Offered throughout the year during Grow-Ve Time, based on needsIndividual Counseling
(social/emotional needs)*Referrals made as needed
Contact information:
Office Phone: 772-223-2513 ext. 61111
Google Voice (text): 561-771-4740