The Florida Department of Health in Martin County (DOH Martin) is currently hosting voluntary Pfizer vaccination clinics throughout the community. DOH Martin encourages interested individuals aged 12 and up to get vaccinated if this recommendation is in alignment with guidance received from their health care provider. Students aged 12-17 must have a parent/legal guardian present with them to receive a vaccination. Learn more: https://www.martinschools.org/article/513522
DOH Martin is also offering free COVID-19 testing for individuals aged 6 months and older. Learn more and make an appointment: https://curative.com/sites/31397
To get answers to your frequently asked questions about academics, health protocols and more, please click here: https://www.martinschools.org/page/frequently-asked-questions-covid

Middle School Curriculum Nights will be held this evening, August 24. View specific details for your child's school:
If you or your child are experiencing symptoms of illness, awaiting COVID-19 test results, have tested positive for COVID-19, or are currently quarantined, please do not attend Curriculum Night in person. Please contact your child's school- staff will make arrangements for you to receive the same information that will be presented during these events.

Dream of making an impact on the future generation? Interested in making a difference in the lives of students while maintaining a flexible schedule? We're currently hiring substitute teachers! Click here to learn more and apply for a position today:

Have questions about how to navigate or interpret data displayed on our COVID-19 dashboard? Please click here to watch a short informational video:
If you have additional questions after viewing the video, please email MCSDReopening@martinschools.org for assistance.

To learn more about upcoming voluntary vaccination events in our community, please click here: https://www.martinschools.org/article/513522
Children aged 12-17 must have a parent or legal guardian present with them to obtain a vaccine.

We are sharing Dr. David L. Anderson Middle School's positive vibes for our Martin County North Little League students who are participating in the Little League World Series!
We’re #ALLINMartin👊 and behind you 💯 %!

Middle School Curriculum Nights will be held Tuesday, August 24. View specific details for your child's school:
If you or your child are experiencing symptoms of illness, awaiting COVID-19 test results, have tested positive for COVID-19, or are currently quarantined, please do not attend Curriculum Night in person. Please contact your child's school- staff will make arrangements for you to receive the same information that will be presented during these events.

Attention middle and high school students and families - the Science and Engineering Fair is coming soon! Any student who resides and attends school in Martin County may participate in the event. The Science and Engineering Fair is an opportunity to showcase the amazing STEM talents of our students
The Martin County Regional Science and Engineering Fair will host an informational meeting for middle and high school students and their families on Monday, August 23, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held virtually via the Zoom platform.
Please use the following link to participate: bit.ly/MCSDSTEMFair.
Learn more about the Secondary STEM Fair here: https://www.martinschools.org/page/secondary-stem-fair-page.

Superintendent John D. Millay and Ms. Elizabeth Rumie, ESE Secretary, have an important message for families about report cards and FOCUS Parent Portal accounts!
If your child attended school in the Martin County School District last year, they will be bringing home a copy of their final report for the 2020-2021 school year no later than tomorrow afternoon. They will also bring home a copy of instructions for parents/caregivers to access their FOCUS Parent Portal accounts. These accounts allow families to easily keep up with their child's grades, attendance and more!
If you need assistance with claiming your FOCUS Parent Portal account, please call (772) 219-1200 ext. 30610 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. on August 20, 23 and 24. Staff will be available to assist in English and Spanish.
Watch Dr. Millay's message here: https://youtu.be/W0q2V-ctFmc
We are #ALLINMartin👊 and ready to help all students achieve their #MCSDPotential🌟 this school year!

Tryouts are from 4:00 - 5:45. PLEASE pick up your children on time (5:45)
6th Grade ONLY - Tuesday, August 24th
7th & 8th Grade ONLY - Wednesday, the 25th
CALL BACKS for ALL grades on Thursday, the 26th
COME ATHLETICALLY DRESSED (sneakers, shorts, t-shirts).
All necessary documentation can be picked up at the front office and given to Coach Borowick on the day of tryouts

While vaccinations are voluntary for students and staff, the Florida Department of Health in Martin County (DOH Martin) encourages individuals aged 12 and up to consider obtaining their COVID-19 vaccine if this recommendation is in alignment with guidance from their health care provider.
Vaccination events will take place throughout Martin County in the coming days. Students aged 12-17 must have a parent/legal caregiver present with them to receive a vaccination.
Please contact DOH Martin at (772) 221-4000 with questions.

Parents - Score reports for the Spring 2021 state assessments are now available in the FOCUS Parent Portal. Score reports are available for the following subject areas: FSA English Language Arts (ELA), FSA Math, Science Grades 5 & 8, Algebra EOC, Geometry EOC, Civics EOC, Biology EOC and U.S. History (EOC).
Please review the attached images to learn how you can access your child's reports.

Families - our FOCUS Parent Portal is a one-stop shop for reviewing information about your child's attendance, class grades, state assessment results and more! If you do not already have access to the FOCUS Parent Portal, please follow the steps outlined in the photos to claim your account.
We are #ALLINMartin👊 and ready to help all students achieve their #MCSDPotential🌟!

The Martin County School District has partnered with Tykes & Teens, a leading local provider of mental health services, to ensure students are prepared for success as they return to school campuses.
CBS12's Madeline Montgomery spoke with Jensen Beach High School teacher Tony Ferro about what "returning with resilience" means for families: https://cbs12.com/news/local/teachers-take-extra-steps-to-ease-transition-from-quarantine-to-classroom.

The Martin County School District was one of the first school districts in Florida to be in full compliance with Alyssa's Law, which requires schools to have a mobile panic alarm system in place to notify local law enforcement in case of an emergency.
WPTV's Stephanie Susskind took an in-depth look at our comprehensive security solution. Learn more here: https://www.wptv.com/news/education/back-to-school/martin-county-school-district-touts-new-technology-to-keep-students-staff-safe
We are #ALLINMartin👊 and ready to help all students achieve their #MCSDPotential🌟!

On Thursday, August 5, the Martin County School Board approved Superintendent John D. Millay's recommendation that the District hire additional nurses to assist with required contract tracing processes in the coming school year. While the Florida Department of Health in Martin County (DOH Martin) has applied for a grant that would fund these positions if approved, Dr. Millay and the School Board believe it is important to begin the school year with these important health professionals in place and assisting our schools.
WPTV's Todd Wilson spoke with Dr. Millay about why these positions are a priority for the District. Read more here: https://www.wptv.com/rebound/state-of-education/martin-county-school-district-hires-more-nurses

Have questions about academics? Risk mitigation protocols? Student meals? Transportation?
Visit our FAQ page to find the answers your family needs prior to the first day of school!
#ALLINMartin👊 #MCSDPotential🌟

Monitoring your child's health is key to preventing the spread of illness. Our digital symptom screening tools tell you when & where to seek care:
English - https://bit.ly/MCSDStudentSymptomCheck
Español - https://bit.ly/MCSDVerificacióndeSíntomas
#ALLINMartin👊 #MCSDPotential🌟

Tykes & Teens has assembled a team of leading mental health experts and educators to provide information for families on how they can prepare students for a successful return to school!
Learn how you can support your child: https://www.tykesandteens.org/mental-health-matters-series/.

Spring 2021 results for statewide assessments have been released and are available in the FOCUS Parent Portal. Parents may access their child's results by logging in to the FOCUS Parent Portal.
Once you have logged in, you may see your child’s scores by clicking “test history” on the left side of the page and then the light gray arrow next to the name of each assessment for which you would like to see results. More detailed score reports will be posted once received from the Florida Department of Education in the coming weeks.
If you do not currently have access to the FOCUS Parent Portal and would like to claim your account, please click here: https://www.martinschools.org/page/focus-parent-portal-student-grades-and-attendance
To access the FOCUS Parent Portal, please click here: https://martin.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/
Please contact your student’s school if you have any questions.