🎓PREPARING FOR FUTURE SUCCESS🎓 Jensen Beach High School, Martin County High School and South Fork High School upperclassmen and families - did you miss last night's virtual college planning webinar with Scoir, Inc.? No worries - catch the replay by clicking here: https://vimeo.com/595416859. #ALLINMartin👊
over 3 years ago, Martin County School District
🩺VOLUNTARY VACCINE AND TESTING OPPORTUNITIES🩺 The Florida Department of Health (DOH) in Martin County is currently offering FREE PCR testing for COVID-19. Learn more and schedule an appt: https://curative.com/sites/31397 Find other PCR/Rapid testing sites in Martin County: https://floridahealthcovid19.gov/testing-sites/ DOH Martin's vaccine opportunities are listed in the attached photo. To view other vaccine opportunities in our community, please click here: https://www.vaccines.gov/search/ DOH Martin encourages individuals aged 12 and older to consider obtaining their COVID-19 vaccine if this recommendation is in alignment with guidance from their health care provider. Have questions? Contact DOH Martin at (772) 221-4000 option 9.
over 3 years ago, Martin County School District
Vaccine flyer
An amazing night to be a JBHS Falcon. Football has grit and played to the last second& pulled off a 10-7 win against the SFHS. Our Band, Guard and Cheer Squad had more spirit then ever . The class of 2022 started our student section . The Falcons have Spirit. #Itsgreat2baFalcon
over 3 years ago, Lori Vogel
fight song
score board
An amazing night to be a JBHS Falcon. Football has grit and played to the last second& pulled off a 10-7 win against the SFHS. Our Band, Guard and Cheer Squad had more spirit then ever . The class of 2022 started our student section . The Falcons have Spirit. #Itsgreat2baFalcon
over 3 years ago, Lori Vogel
fight song
score board
🏈FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS🏈 Huge rivalry game tonight, Martin County! Jensen Beach High School will take on South Fork High School in Varsity football action. The game will begin at 7pm at JBHS and tickets must be pre-purchased - tickets will not be sold at the stadium. All attendees must enter the stadium prior to the start of the third quarter. Click the following link to view complete rules for spectators and purchase your tickets: https://jensenbeachathletics.com/teams/3170315/football/varsity/event/26546247/buy-tickets #ALLINMartin👊
over 3 years ago, Martin County School District
Jensen Beach High School Football under the lights at home tonight. This is a big rivalry game against the South Fork High School Bull Dogs. The game begins at 7:00pm. All tickets are purchased on line at JensenBeachAthletics.com/event-tickets. Please remember if you are coming to our game you must enter prior to the start of the third quarter. We do not allow any outside food or beverages in our stadium. Please leave all bags, purses and backpacks at home. Gates open at 6:00pm. Ticketing information can be found on our athletic website. We look forward to seeing our Falcon Fans this evening.
over 3 years ago, Lori Vogel
As we embark on this new school year, the Martin County School District wants to be sure that students feel prepared when it comes to their college planning journey. As such, the District has partnered with Scoir to host a back-to-school information session for high school juniors and seniors. During this one-hour workshop, staff will review the ins and outs of Scoir so that students can feel confident using the platform this academic cycle. Please join us on August 30, from 7-8 pm ET as we host a session covering the following: Finding your college fit Making your college list Using the Scoir mobile app Use click here to join virtually on August 30 at 7pm: https://bit.ly/MCSDScoir
over 3 years ago, Martin County School District
SCOIR flyer
https://youtu.be/nQzqxutgOtg If you missed curriculum night at Jensen Beach High School this evening, the link above contains Ms. Vogel's welcome message to our parents. #Itsgreat2baFalcon2021
over 3 years ago, Lori Vogel
Curriculum Nights for JBHS, MCHS, SFHS, Willoughby Learning Center and Spectrum Academy will be held this evening, August 25. View specific details for your child's school: https://www.martinschools.org/page/reopening#curriculumnights If you or your child are experiencing symptoms of illness, awaiting COVID-19 test results, have tested positive for COVID-19, or are currently quarantined, please do not attend Curriculum Night in person. Please contact your child's school- staff will make arrangements for you to receive the same information that will be presented during these events. #ALLINMartin👊
over 3 years ago, Martin County School District
Curriculum Nights
🩺HEALTH UPDATE 🩺 The Florida Department of Health in Martin County (DOH Martin) is currently hosting voluntary Pfizer vaccination clinics throughout the community. DOH Martin encourages interested individuals aged 12 and up to get vaccinated if this recommendation is in alignment with guidance received from their health care provider. Students aged 12-17 must have a parent/legal guardian present with them to receive a vaccination. Learn more: https://www.martinschools.org/article/513522 DOH Martin is also offering free COVID-19 testing for individuals aged 6 months and older. Learn more and make an appointment: https://curative.com/sites/31397 To get answers to your frequently asked questions about academics, health protocols and more, please click here: https://www.martinschools.org/page/frequently-asked-questions-covid #ALLINMartin👊
over 3 years ago, Martin County School District
Vaccine Flyer
Dream of making an impact on the future generation? Interested in making a difference in the lives of students while maintaining a flexible schedule? We're currently hiring substitute teachers! Click here to learn more and apply for a position today: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1318589/Process_for_Becoming_a_Substitute_Teacher.pdf #ALLINMartin👊
over 3 years ago, Martin County School District
Have questions about how to navigate or interpret data displayed on our COVID-19 dashboard? Please click here to watch a short informational video: https://youtu.be/Bl2KRDpxtv8 If you have additional questions after viewing the video, please email MCSDReopening@martinschools.org for assistance.
over 3 years ago, Martin County School District
COVID-19 Dashboard
To learn more about upcoming voluntary vaccination events in our community, please click here: https://www.martinschools.org/article/513522 Children aged 12-17 must have a parent or legal guardian present with them to obtain a vaccine. #ALLINMartin👊
over 3 years ago, Martin County School District
FDA Approves COVID-19 vaccine
Jensen Beach High School Open House / Meet the teacher is on Wednesday August 25th. All of our amazing clubs, sports and organizations will be set up in our courtyard from 5:00-5:45pm. At 6:00pm all parents will transition to their student's first period classroom. Ms Vogel will address all first period classes and then we will transition to 10 mintue periods for all classes. We look forward to seeing all of our Falcon Parents on Wednesday Evening.
over 3 years ago, Lori Vogel
Jensen Beach High School Football is back. Friday night under the lights starts at home tonight. The game begins at 7:00pm. All tickers are purchased on line at JensenBeachAthletics.com/event-tickets. Please remember if you are coming to our game you must enter prior to the start of the third quarter. We do not allow any outside food or beverages in our stadium. Please leave all bags, purses and backpacks at home. Gates open at 6:00pm. Ticketing information can be found on our athletic website. We look forward to seeing our Falcon Fans this evening.
over 3 years ago, Lori Vogel
Curriculum Nights for JBHS, MCHS, SFHS, Willoughby Learning Center and Spectrum Academy will be held Wednesday, August 25. View specific details for your child's school: https://www.martinschools.org/page/reopening#curriculumnights If you or your child are experiencing symptoms of illness, awaiting COVID-19 test results, have tested positive for COVID-19, or are currently quarantined, please do not attend Curriculum Night in person. Please contact your child's school- staff will make arrangements for you to receive the same information that will be presented during these events. #ALLINMartin👊
over 3 years ago, Martin County School District
Curriculum Nights
Attention middle and high school students and families - the Science and Engineering Fair is coming soon! Any student who resides and attends school in Martin County may participate in the event. The Science and Engineering Fair is an opportunity to showcase the amazing STEM talents of our students The Martin County Regional Science and Engineering Fair will host an informational meeting for middle and high school students and their families on Monday, August 23, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held virtually via the Zoom platform. Please use the following link to participate: bit.ly/MCSDSTEMFair. Learn more about the Secondary STEM Fair here: https://www.martinschools.org/page/secondary-stem-fair-page.
over 3 years ago, Martin County School District
🍎MARTIN MINUTE WITH MILLAY🍎 Superintendent John D. Millay and Ms. Elizabeth Rumie, ESE Secretary, have an important message for families about report cards and FOCUS Parent Portal accounts! If your child attended school in the Martin County School District last year, they will be bringing home a copy of their final report for the 2020-2021 school year no later than tomorrow afternoon. They will also bring home a copy of instructions for parents/caregivers to access their FOCUS Parent Portal accounts. These accounts allow families to easily keep up with their child's grades, attendance and more! If you need assistance with claiming your FOCUS Parent Portal account, please call (772) 219-1200 ext. 30610 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. on August 20, 23 and 24. Staff will be available to assist in English and Spanish. Watch Dr. Millay's message here: https://youtu.be/W0q2V-ctFmc We are #ALLINMartin👊 and ready to help all students achieve their #MCSDPotential🌟 this school year!
over 3 years ago, Martin County School District
🔊VACCINATION EVENTS🔊 While vaccinations are voluntary for students and staff, the Florida Department of Health in Martin County (DOH Martin) encourages individuals aged 12 and up to consider obtaining their COVID-19 vaccine if this recommendation is in alignment with guidance from their health care provider. Vaccination events will take place throughout Martin County in the coming days. Students aged 12-17 must have a parent/legal caregiver present with them to receive a vaccination. Please contact DOH Martin at (772) 221-4000 with questions. #ALLINMartin👊
over 3 years ago, Martin County School District
Vaccination flyer
❤️#FRIDAYFEELS❤️ Jensen Beach High School graduates Taylor Cotton and Olivia Zayas participated in the Air Force Academy's recent Shoulder Board Pinning Ceremony. Cotton was asked by Zayas to pin on her freshman rank. Both were members of JBHS's Air Force JROTC program. #ALLINMartin👊
over 3 years ago, Martin County School District
JBHS Air Force pinning ceremony 1
JBHS Air Force pinning ceremony 2
JBHS Air Force pinning ceremony 3