Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
WELCOME ALL NEW CADETS! We know you will enjoy the program, so bring a friend or two along to join as well!
The first activity we will have is an Ice Breaker, Bring a Friend Picnic on August 17th, 9-11 AM at Langford Park! Bring a friend or two to enjoy the games and refreshments!
.There are Many Types of Scholarships Available for Cadets - Time to Join JROTC!

Flight Academy group photo above. $25K - $28K worth of flight training with NO COMMITTMENT!
Senior JROTC Cadets - Now is the time to compete for an awesome J100 College Scholarship! This scholarship pays for tuition, books, room and board, and a stipend!! To be competitive, you need to be in JROTC two years or more, serving in a leadership position. You serve as an Air Force/Space Force officer for 4 years as payback. Must have a 3.0 GPA unweighted, 1100 SAT, 50 PFT score and 2 years in JROTC (including this year), and a senior in JROTC.
Flight Academy is a 7-8 week program of pilot training worth $25,000-$28,000, and there is no service commitment or payback of any kind!! Now taking applications! See Colonel for the cadet application guide. Must be 17 by July 31, have an unweighted GPA of 3.0, and a 50 PFT score and a JROTC cadet.
Cyber Academy is a summer training program that teaches you everything cyber!
Air Force ROTC High School Scholarships - don't leave high school without applying for an Air Force ROTC scholarship. There are different levels of scholarships, and you serve as an Air Force/Space Force officer for 4 years as payback. Website: https://www.afrotc.com/scholarships/
Young Eagles Flight Day, fall and spring, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Stuart Jet Center (@ Stuart Airport)
Navy Seal Museum Field Trip, November
Warrior Weekend 3-day camping trip Dec or Feb, Hobe Sound
More Activities…
Soccer Team
Morale Team
Rocketry Club
Robotics Club
Flag Football Team
Campus Beautification Team
Strategic Gaming Club
Color Guard
Flag Team
Drone/UAV Club
Military Ball Planning Team
Model Building Club
Scholarship Opportunities
Air Force Academy Scholarships
West Point Academy Scholarships
Naval Academy Scholarships
Air Force, Army, Marines, and Navy ROTC Scholarships
Air Force J100 ROTC Scholarship that includes room and board
Contact Us
If you are interested in taking Air Force JROTC, please talk with either or both instructors. Find out why JROTC is the best class you can take at Jensen Beach High! Here is how you contact us:
School phone: 772-232-3500, ext 37173
Colonel Mark Colbert: email: colberm@martinschools
Senior Master Sergeant Durrell Johnson: Email: johnsod@martinschools.org