In this fun filled learning adventure from the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum students are learning details that connect with one of the following aspects of the Six Elements of Geography: Physical Systems, Human Systems, Environment, and The Uses of Geography. The pop-up museum features panels with information related to "When Spain Came to Florida" . Students in sixth grade are connecting the content of the panels to the Six Essential Elements of Geography standard SS.6.g.6.1.
Each of the eight panels contains multimedia content about an aspect of Spain's arrival from Florida history, to effects of human movement relating to agriculture and economy and more. Each panel has a QR code students can use to connect with a supporting video. QR codes also connect students with artifacts used in panel activities where questions help students elaborate on their knowledge.
For seventh graders, this pop-up museum provides details and examples related to the Age of Exploration unit of study. As students move through the museum panels, they think about the ripple effects of exploration. Content and activities for each panel enable students to process new content and review content. The QR codes located on each panel provides access to videos associated with the panels' topics. Students think about the details that indicate the struggles for colonization and the details that describe the impacts of colonial settlement on Native American populations.
At collaboration stations, students produce and examine their own reasoning about the connections between the content and the standards of study.