The Murray Middle School library media center seeks to nurture an enjoyment of reading and discovery, to develop skills in evaluating sources and to nurture research skills in our students. In order to offer engaging, timely and accurate I am asking for your monetary donation to support the enhancement of the collection in the non-fiction and biography sections. Deficits occur in the following Dewey Decimal Classification sections 300s, 400s, 500s, 600s, and 900s.
According to MARC record analysis completed Fall 2022, “When looking at the overall balance of each Dewey section, additional titles needed are 2,646”.
Over the course of six years focus of refresh and weeding in the collection has been fictional titles. Scholastic Bookfairs have been a source of funds for titles and refresh. However, Scholastic Bookfairs have not been profitable lately and do not carry non-fictional titles in Dewey categories needed.
Please help us provide new books for our MMS library.
The Murray Middle School library located in Stuart, FL is holding an online Titlewish fundraiser starting on December 5th and ending on February 2, 2023. 100% of the money this program raises will go directly to purchasing new materials for the school library.
The goal for this fundraising program is $10,000. This money will be used to purchase the Dewey Decimal Classification sections 300s, 400s, 500s, 600s, and 900s.
Parents and interested community members are encouraged to help the Murray Middle School library provide its students with the best education possible by visiting and clicking the Donate button.
Thank you for your support.
Educationally yours,
Mrs. Creber