Volunteer Awards 2023-2024

The Martin County School District annually recognizes the invaluable contributions of its volunteers and business partners. During the 2023-2024 Volunteer and Business Partner Awards Ceremony on April 26, the District celebrated the many members of our community who make a profound impact on our students and schools.

In the 2023-24 school year, more than 3,000 volunteers donated over 60,000 hours, contributing more than one million dollars in value to the District. Each school selected one outstanding student, adult, and senior volunteer, and community partner for special recognition.

This year’s District-level honorees were Carina Curtner (Student Volunteer), Monica Cantor (Adult Volunteer), Barbara Vanhorn (Senior Volunteer), and Reich & Mancini (Community Business Partner).

“Thank you, to all our volunteers and community partners, for embodying the spirit of compassion, generosity and community that defines this very great school district,” Superintendent Michael Maine shared.

Whether you're a student, parent, retiree, or local business, there's a place for you to ignite with us and make a lasting impact. Sign up to be a volunteer today: https://bit.ly/4g5c2Uc

Watch a video highlighting the awards ceremony here: