If your child has an appointment or when a student needs to leave campus earlier than the scheduled end of the school day, the student should bring a note to the Attendance Office, prior to class starting at 8:20 am. The student will be given a pass to leave class at the designated time and an Off Campus pass will be at the Front Desk for the student to pick up. All notes must have a valid parent telephone number to verify the request, the time the student is leaving, and who is picking up the student. The parent will be contacted to confirm the issuance
of the note. In the event the parent/guardian cannot be contacted, a pass will not be issued. Leaving school grounds without a pass will result in a referral.
Only students with a medical (dental) excuse or court appointment are permitted to leave school and return. Documentation is required upon return. Any person picking up a student, must be on the student’s Emergency Contact card prior to the day they are being picked up.
Early check out ends at 2:35 p.m. and 11:35 a.m. on early release days