ACT, CLT, and SAT Testing

Please click on the following link for upcoming ACT, CLT, and SAT test dates:

Test Day Information:  

In order to take the test students must have the following:

  • Photo ID

  • Admission ticket as applicable

Essential items students supply:

  • #2 pencils

  • Calculator from approved list (not required to test)

Please be early to ensure there is plenty of time for check-in prior to testing.

SAT Saturday Logistics:

Please open the following link for specific information regarding SAT Saturday Testing at Martin County High School: Link

SAT School Day

During the spring (March) currently enrolled high school 11th graders will be provided the opportunity to take the SAT on campus during the school day. The test will be administered online, students will need their district issued devices in order to test. This test is college reportable.

For more information please review the following FAQ: Link

College Board Virtual Student/Parent Webinars

  • When: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

  • Topic: Benefits of Taking Advanced Placement Courses: Tap Into Your AP Potential

  • Description: Join the Florida College Board team for a webinar on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 6 PM EST. This session will take a deep dive into the benefits of participating in Advanced Placement® (AP) courses. We will provide information that will help students and families make informed decisions about which academic pathway supports their college and career goals. During this hour-long webinar, you will learn about:

·         Benefits of taking Advanced Placement® courses

·         AP Credit Policies

·         Using AP Potential to identify suitable AP courses

·         Utilizing tools and resources available on BigFuture