Crisis Go

Crisis Go

CrisisGo is a mass notification system that will alert everyone in the school simultaneously in an emergency situation. The app will be on your desktop computer and you will only have to log in one time. Instructions will be provided to you on how to log in prior to the first day of school from your principal. All employees are required to have their desktop computer turned on at the beginning of each day and left on throughout the entire day. You have been provided a Quick Reference Guide on the basics of how to utilize the Crisis Go app on your desktop computer. We are working with CrisisGo to simplify the reporting of emergencies compared to what you see in the Quick Reference Guide. The app will push through an emergency message on your desktop computer that will create a loud and easily identifiable siren. The siren will also bypass any volume setting on your desktop computer as long as your computer is turned on. In the future, the District will launch an optional CrisisGo cell phone app to complement the desktop computer app. CrisisGo will have your  student roster on your computer and the cell phone app if you choose to download the app. This will allow you to track and account for your students in the event of an emergency. You will not be required to download this on your personal cell phone but it will be highly recommended that you do in order to receive notification if you are somewhere on campus besides your classroom. Currently, you can only be signed in at one device at a time. However, an update is planned that will allow you to be logged into two devices shortly after school begins in August. Each school has been asked to practice the use of Crisis Go during the week before students arrive on campus as well as throughout the school year.

A few goals of this new mass notification system are to:

  • Quickly notify all staff of a lockdown or crisis situation.

  • Improve communication during an incident using the built-in two-way communication (similar to instant messaging).

  • Make safety content like our district emergency plan, maps, and contacts quickly and easily available.

  • Rapidly account for all students on the cell phone application.

  • Improve safety awareness to help better assess and respond to security risks.

Account Log in: Your District Email Address (

Password: 123

To get started please watch this website