MCHS Seniors! Spots still available for school site senior portraits on Oct. 2!
For more information: https://www.smore.com/9qjaz
Deadline for yearbook senior portraits is Nov. 30th!

MCHS AP Calculus BC Students practice their skills and collaborate with peers to master the material! Way to go Tigers!

PSAT is on October 13.
All 9th and 10th graders will be tested (no test fee).
Math score can be used for the Algebra graduation requirement.
11th graders may take the test for National Merit qualification. The fee is $18. Register at: https://forms.gle/aHACKtqWjXqrdR8F8

Tickets for the Homecoming Dance are on sale! Purchase them before/after school outside the old guidance office, or during lunch in the cafeteria. You must have a completed Homecoming Packet and your Student ID. Tickets are $10 this week and $15 next week. Guest Tickets are $15.

MCHS Class of 2022 continued the annual stage painting tradition by leaving their mark!

MCHS Seniors are busy at work this morning forming memories and celebrating their senior year! The parking lot is starting to look amazing!

Thank you Euphoria Nails and Spa for supporting MCHS Leadership with your banner sponsor! Go Tigers!

Students' individual score reports for Spring 2021 assessments have been received from the Florida Department of Education. Schools will sort these reports and send students' records home with them no later than 10/4/21.
Learn more: https://www.martinschools.org/article/544426

In accordance with new student quarantine protocols released by Florida Department of Health (DOH) today, the Martin County School District has updated its parent/caregiver notification processes.
Please click here to learn more: https://www.martinschools.org/article/542636

MCHS Homecoming Float Building Date and Times! All students are invited! Come help your class and clubs!

A big thank you to the Arati Hammond Team at Keller Williams Reality for sponsoring a banner for the MCHS Leadership Class! Go Tigers!

Sign up now for the PSAT! Your scores can count toward your math graduation requirement.
Test Date: October 13th at 8:20am
Cost: $18; payable in Guidance by Monday, September 27th.
Fee waivers are available for students who qualify.

MCHS AICE Media Studies students use magazines to identify camera shots and angles and how they create meaning within advertisements.

Sign up now for the PSAT! Scores can count toward math graduation requirement and is the only way to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship. Test Date: 10/13/21 Cost: $18; payable in Guidance by 9/27/21. https://forms.gle/RYxDTpQqmeQMXdzHA

MCHS is excited to announce our three 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalists! Congratulations to Shane Berhoff,
Joseph Semrai, and Tristan Van! We are so proud of this recognition of their exceptional academic ability and commitment to success!

MCHS AICE Students in Global Perspectives created posters describing an international conflict and it’s causes. Students pictured are creating their poster on deforestation in Latin America.

MCHS has a new system, Scoir, to help navigate the college selection/application process. Scoir is hosting a virtual information session on Monday, 9/20 from 7-8pm to demo its platform.
Join on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84223140187?pwd=WkxQZVBpNUxhb1RkWVlrN2c0b0RQQT09

The Florida Department of Health in Martin County (DOH Martin) is currently hosting its second round of voluntary community vaccination clinics. 1st and 2nd doses of the #Pfizervaccine are being offered to interested individuals aged 12+.
More: https://bit.ly/3Ab5sWL.

Reminder, families - all District-operated schools will be closed Thursday, September 16, in observance of #YomKippur.

A little rain can’t stop our shine!
A 🌈was spotted over Martin County High School this morning.
It's going to be a great day in the Martin County School District!