🍎CURRICULUM NIGHTS🍎 Elementary families - Curriculum Night will be held this evening (depending on grade level) at your child's school. Curriculum Night is an excellent way for your family to get to know your child's teacher(s) and more about their school's plan for teaching and learning this year. Click here to view specific details for your child's school: https://www.martinschools.org/page/reopening#curriculumnights #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
about 2 years ago, Martin County School District
Curriculum Nights
🍎CURRICULUM NIGHTS🍎 Elementary families - Curriculum Nights will be held this evening and tomorrow evening (depending on grade level) at your child's school. Curriculum Night is an excellent way for your family to get to know your child's teacher(s) and more about their school's plan for teaching and learning this year. Click here to view specific details for your child's school: https://www.martinschools.org/page/reopening#curriculumnights #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
about 2 years ago, Martin County School District
Curriculum Nights
Thank you, Martin County! Read more about the renewal of the millage referendum: https://conta.cc/3pDsLEO #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
about 2 years ago, Martin County School District
millage renewal
Hello Pinewood Family. We hope last week was amazing. Here are this week's events: 8/22 - FAST Math Assessment for 3rd Grade 8/24 - K-2 Curriculum Night from 5-6:30pm 8/25 - 3-5 Curriculum Night from 5-6:30pm We are returning incomplete Code of Conduct Acknowledgement forms. Please complete the forms on both sides, including signatures, and return as soon as possible. Don't forget to join the PTA! They are doing fabulous things for our school when you join for $5. Hola familia Pinewood. Espero que la semana pasada haya sido increíble. Estos son los eventos de esta semana: 8/22 - Evaluación de Matemáticas FAST para 3.er grado 8/24 - Noche de currículo K-2 de 5-6:30 p. m. 8/25 - 3-5 Noche de currículo de 5-6:30 p. m. Estamos devolviendo formularios de Reconocimiento del Código de Conducta incompletos. Complete el formulario en ambos lados, incluyendo las firmas, y devuélvalo lo antes posible. ¡No olvide unirse a la PTA! Están haciendo cosas fabulosas para nuestra escuela cuando te unes por solo $5.
about 2 years ago, Susanna Deutsch
PWE Curriculum Nights are Wednesday 8/24 (K-2) and Thursday 8/25 (3-5) from 5:00-6:30 beginning in the PWE Auditorium. Parents will view a short presentation and then will proceed to classrooms to hear all about what their children will be learning this year 📚🐾
about 2 years ago, J.D. Parker Elementary
Curriculum Night
💻 FOCUS ON ACCESSIBILITY💻 Don't forget, families! You may complete your child's emergency card and your #BacktoSchool parental consent forms electronically in the FOCUS Parent Portal. Click here to access the FOCUS Parent Portal: https://martin.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/ If you do not currently have access to the FOCUS Parent Portal, click here to view instructions for claiming your account: https://martin.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/auth/ 📲Have questions about accessing FOCUS? Contact the data entry registrar at your child's school. #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
about 2 years ago, Martin County School District
FOCUS Updates
🌞 RISE & SHINE🌞 We're #ALLINMartin👊 and ready for our first full week of learning! See you soon, students! #PublicSchoolProud #MCSDTheRippleEffect
about 2 years ago, Martin County School District
MCSD Back to School Week Two
Hello Pinewood Family, These are the events happening at PWE this week; Monday, 8/15-5th graders will be taking the first Science PM Assessment Wednesday, 8/17 - 4th and 5th Grade FAST ELA Assessment, Girl Scouts Meeting at 5pm in the Media Center, Boys Scouts Information Night at 6pm in the Cafeteria Thursday, 8/18 - 4th and 5th Grade FAST Math Assessment Friday, 8/19 - 3rd Grade FAST ELA Assessment Please be sure students taking assessments this week get to sleep early, eat breakfast in the morning, and arrive to school by 7:20am. Give them lots of encouragement. The results of these assessments will be used to collect baseline data of where are students are academically and guide instruction in the classroom. Thank you. Hola familia Pinewood, Estos son los eventos que suceden en PWE esta semana; Lunes, 8/15-5to grado tomarán la primera Evaluación PM de Ciencias Miércoles, 8/17 - Evaluación FAST ELA de 4.º y 5.º grado, reunión de Girl Scouts a las 5:00 p. m. en el centro de medios, noche de información de Boys Scouts a las 6:00 p. m. Jueves, 8/18 - Evaluación FAST Math de 4to y 5to grado Viernes, 8/19 - Evaluación FAST ELA de 3er grado Asegúrese de que los estudiantes que toman las evaluaciones esta semana se duerman temprano, desayunen por la mañana y lleguen a la escuela a las 7:20 am. Dale muchos animos. Los resultados de estas evaluaciones se utilizarán para recopilar datos de referencia de dónde se encuentran académicamente los estudiantes y guiar la instrucción en el salón de clases. Gracias.
about 2 years ago, Susanna Deutsch
Hello Panthers, The administration and staff of PWE thank you for a great first week of school. We appreciate your feedback, smiles, encouragement, and patience this week as we welcomed our students. You are simply amazing! Hola panteras, La administración y el personal de PWE les agradecen por una excelente primera semana de clases. Agradecemos sus comentarios, sonrisas, aliento y paciencia esta semana mientras recibimos a nuestros estudiantes. ¡Eres simplemente increíble!
about 2 years ago, Susanna Deutsch
Hello Pinewood Family, We are looking for parents to participate in our School Advisory Council (SAC). SAC is comprised of parents, staff and community members that help to implement and monitor our School Improvement Plan (SIP). We are required to have representation from each of our demographics. At this time, we are looking for parents in these categories: ELL/ESOL (English Language Learner) Currently has a child in the ESOL Program at Pinewood Elementary ESE (Exceptional Student Education) Currently has a child enrolled at Pinewood Elementary Black Asian Please complete the Google form (https://forms.gle/PNZzS7MQgZkScEh28) if you are able to participate in our monthly meeting and wish to have a more active role in our School Improvement Plan and process. Thank you. Hola familia Pinewood, Estamos buscando padres para participar en nuestro Consejo Asesor Escolar (SAC). SAC está compuesto por padres, personal y miembros de la comunidad que ayudan a implementar y monitorear nuestro Plan de Mejoramiento Escolar (SIP). Estamos obligados a tener representación de cada uno de nuestros datos demográficos. En este momento, estamos buscando padres en estas categorías: ELL/ESOL (estudiante del idioma inglés) Actualmente tiene un hijo en el programa ESOL en Pinewood Elementary ESE (Educación de Estudiantes Excepcionales) Actualmente tiene un hijo inscrito en Pinewood Elementary Negro asiático Complete el formulario de Google (https://forms.gle/5HctTNq8iewKkU7p8) si puede participar en nuestra reunión mensual y desea tener un papel más activo en nuestro Plan y proceso de mejora escolar. Gracias.
about 2 years ago, Susanna Deutsch
🍎FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL READY🍎 It's the first day back to school for many students, teachers and staff, and it's also a brand new start for more than 100 Martin County School District employees! Although these educators might be in a new career, educational role or school building, our Professional Development team made sure they were ready to begin the year on the right foot and with a lot of support. Our annual three-day New Educator Orientation is a great way for new staff to learn the in's and out's of the Martin County School District and what it means to be #ALLINMartin👊! Check out some of the new faces you'll see around the district 👀 👀 https://youtu.be/ZLehM_DoEJg
about 2 years ago, Martin County School District
🍎 WELCOME BACK, STUDENTS! 🍎 We are #ALLINMartin👊 and ready for a fantastic 2022-2023 school year! #FirstDayofSchool #PublicSchoolProud
about 2 years ago, Martin County School District
Back to School 2022-2023
🍎 #BACKTOSCHOOL COUNTDOWN🍎 The first day of the 2022-2023 school year is TOMORROW! Be sure to have your child go to bed on time tonight so they will be ready for learning in the morning. #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
about 2 years ago, Martin County School District
Healthy Routines
Hello Pinewood Family, We look forward to seeing you tomorrow, August 10th for the First Day of School! Below are a few notes that will make for a successful start of the year: August 10th - First Day of School Please be patient with arrival and dismissal. We have well over 150 new students on our campus who are learning our procedures. Adults will be available to walk your child to their arrival area, including our new Kindergartners. Kindergarten parents - We realize this may be a hard day for you. Our local community partner, Starbucks, will have an area for you to visit and meet other parents after arrival, August 10th. We will have the information available for you. Dismissal Only- Car Pick Up NEW Procedure - Enter the school and turn right, only, for the pick up line. Have your car sign visible. Dismissal begins at 1:50pm. Students will have a color band placed on the back of their back pack which indicates how they go home. Please do not remove the band and inform us of any permanent dismissal changes so we may change the band. Hola familia Pinewood, ¡Esperamos verlos mañana, 10 de agosto para el primer día de clases! A continuación se presentan algunas notas que contribuirán a un comienzo de año exitoso: 10 de agosto - Primer día de clases Por favor sea paciente con la llegada y la salida. Tenemos más de 150 estudiantes nuevos en nuestro campus que están aprendiendo nuestros procedimientos. Habrá adultos disponibles para acompañar a su hijo a su área de llegada, incluidos nuestros nuevos niños de kínder. Padres de Kindergarten - Nos damos cuenta de que este puede ser un día difícil para ustedes. Nuestro socio comunitario local, Starbucks, tendrá un área para que usted visite y conozca a otros padres después de su llegada, el 10 de agosto. Tendremos la información disponible para usted. Solo salida: recogida en automóvil NUEVO Procedimiento: ingrese a la escuela y gire a la derecha, solo, para la línea de recogida. Tenga el letrero de su auto visible. La salida comienza a las 1:50pm. Los estudiantes tendrán un color colocado en la parte posterior de su mochila que indica cómo se van a casa. No se quite la banda e infórmenos de cualquier cambio de salida permanente para que podamos cambiar la banda.
about 2 years ago, Susanna Deutsch
Hello Pinewood Family, We look forward to seeing you today, August 9th, at Meet Your Teacher or tomorrow, August 10th for the First Day of School! Below are a few notes that will make for a successful start of the year: Today, August 9th Front Office - Take your picture for your student ID card Cafeteria - PTA, Car signs, Extended Care, Cafeteria Manager, Other Media Center - Laptops will be available for you to register for FOCUS, complete your yellow card, complete a free/reduced meal form Classroom - Meet your teacher, tell us how your child will be going home, receive one car sign (Additional car signs available in the Cafeteria) August 10th - First Day of School Please be patient with arrival and dismissal. We have well over 150 new students on our campus who are learning our procedures. Adults will be available to walk your child to their arrival area, including our new Kindergartners. Kindergarten parents - We realize this may be a hard day for you. Our local community partner, Starbucks, will have an area for you to visit and meet other parents after arrival, August 10th. We will have the information available for you. Dismissal Only- Car Pick Up NEW Procedure - Enter the school and turn right, only, for the pick up line. Have your car sign visible. Dismissal begins at 1:50pm. Students will have a color band placed on the back of their back pack which indicates how they go home. Please do not remove the band and inform us of any permanent dismissal changes so we may change the band. Hola familia Pinewood, ¡Esperamos verlos hoy, 9 de agosto, en Meet Your Teacher o mañana, 10 de agosto para el primer día de clases! A continuación se presentan algunas notas que contribuirán a un comienzo de año exitoso: Hoy 9 de agosto Recepción: tome su fotografía para su tarjeta de identificación de estudiante Cafetería - PTA, Letreros de automóviles, Atención extendida, Gerente de cafetería, Otro Centro de medios: las computadoras portátiles estarán disponibles para que se registre en FOCUS, complete su tarjeta amarilla, complete un formulario de comida gratis o a precio reducido Salón de clases: conozca a su maestro, díganos cómo irá su hijo a casa, reciba un letrero de automóvil (letreros de automóviles adicionales disponibles en la cafetería) 10 de agosto - Primer día de clases Por favor sea paciente con la llegada y la salida. Tenemos más de 150 estudiantes nuevos en nuestro campus que están aprendiendo nuestros procedimientos. Habrá adultos disponibles para acompañar a su hijo a su área de llegada, incluidos nuestros nuevos niños de kínder. Padres de Kindergarten - Nos damos cuenta de que este puede ser un día difícil para ustedes. Nuestro socio comunitario local, Starbucks, tendrá un área para que usted visite y conozca a otros padres después de su llegada, el 10 de agosto. Tendremos la información disponible para usted. Solo salida: recogida en automóvil NUEVO Procedimiento: ingrese a la escuela y gire a la derecha, solo, para la línea de recogida. Tenga el letrero de su auto visible. La salida comienza a las 1:50pm. Los estudiantes tendrán un color colocado en la parte posterior de su mochila que indica cómo se van a casa. No se quite la banda e infórmenos de cualquier cambio de salida permanente para que podamos cambiar la banda.
about 2 years ago, Susanna Deutsch
🍎 #BACKTOSCHOOL COUNTDOWN🍎 Click the link below to bookmark our 2022-2023 school calendar. This will help your family keep track of report card/interim report dates, holidays, early dismissal days and more! https://www.martinschools.org/page/reopening#incal #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
about 2 years ago, Martin County School District
Important Update: ALL Pinewood students will be provided a new photo ID badge for the 2022-2023 school year. We would love it if you and your child would stop by the front office Monday or Tuesday between 8:00am-2:30pm to have their picture taken and obtain their new badge. If you have any questions you can call the front office at 772-219-1595. Thank you for helping us to make the beginning of this school year as smooth as possible.
about 2 years ago, J.D. Parker Elementary
Student ID
Want to know who your child's teacher is for the new school year? Log into the Focus Parent Portal to find out. Not enrolled in the Focus Parent Portal yet? Follow the link for directions in English and Spanish. https://drive.google.com/file/d/11m5xuKsZHvTnLNXbw9Fg8cP4TMrtqQbt/view?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, J.D. Parker Elementary
teacher sign
📚 #BACKTOSCHOOL COUNTDOWN📚 Due to the expiration of a federal waiver, the District will no longer be able to offer free meals to all students this school year. Families are encouraged to apply for free and reduced-price meal benefits on our website or via a paper form available from their child's school. Students attending the following schools will continue to receive free breakfasts and lunches with no income restrictions: J. D. Parker School Of Technology, The Pinewood Elementary, Port Salerno Elementary School, Warfield Elementary School, Indiantown Middle School, Willoughby Learning Center and Spectrum Academy. For the schools not listed above, MCSD will cover the costs of meals for all students for the first three days of school (August 10-12). After August 12, the regular price for breakfast for K-5 and 6-12 students is $1.50. Lunch for K-5 is $1.85, and 6-12 is $2.10. The District will cover the cost of meals for students who apply and qualify for reduced-price meals. Complete a school meal application here: https://www.myschoolapps.com/Home/PickDistrict #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
about 2 years ago, Martin County School District
School Meals
📚 #BACKTOSCHOOL COUNTDOWN📚 Don't miss any updates from the Martin County School District or your favorite MCSD schools this year! Download our app in your phone's app store to view calendars, upcoming events, menus and more! 🍎Download for Apple Devices: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/martin-county-schools-fl/id1582223225 🤖Download for Android Devices: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apptegy.martincountyfl&hl=en_US&gl=US #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
about 2 years ago, Martin County School District
App Banner