Registration Form

Complete Registration Form
Schedule an appointment to enroll 772-219-1200 x43162
Bring a $30 Money Order to enrollment
Bring Picture ID to enrollment
Stuart Adult Education Campus
Stuart Adult Learning Center
ESOL/GED Classes available
GED Classes
State of Florida High School Diploma
Classes focused on GED test prep (Math, Reading, Social Studies, Science)
Career Exploration and Pathways Education
Student schedules based on TABE test result to ensure accurate placement
Must be 16 years of age
Class Schedules:
Daytime: 16 hours per week required
Monday-Thursday 9:00am to 1:30pm
Fridays by appointment with teacher
Homework expected via teacher Google Classrooms to reinforce classroom instruction
Evening TBD Based on enrollment Interest
Classes will be determined based on enrollment
10 students needed to start a class session
Monday & Wednesday 5pm to 9pm TBD
ESOL Classes
Literacy, Citizenship, Civics, Math, Career Education
Remote or in person learning options
Student schedules based on CASAS and/or TABE results to ensure accurate placement
Must be 16 years of age
Class Schedules:
Daytime: 16 hours per week required
Monday-Thursday 8:30am to 1:00pm
Fridays by appointment with teacher
Homework expected via teacher Google Classrooms to reinforce classroom instruction
Evening 12 hours per week required
Monday & Wednesday 5pm to 9pm
Homework expected via teacher Google Classrooms to reinforce classroom instruction
*Additional evenings may be available if need arises
Stuart Community High School
Alternative High School Option (Standard Martin County Diploma)
Accelerated, Flexible, Self-Paced learning
Remote or in person learning available through Edgenuity
EOC/FSA testing available for enrolled students
Hours: 7:30am to 3:00pm Monday-Friday
Minimum of 20 hours of attendance REQUIRED per week (12 On Campus)
Must be 16 years of age
Martin County Test Center
Martin County operates a Pearson Vue testing center at our Stuart Campus. In addition to the GED exam we offer a wide variety of assessments through the Pearson Vue Test Center.
In Florida, you need to pass the four subtests of the GED® exam (Math, Social Studies, Science, and Reading) to earn your State of Florida High School Diploma through the GED exam.
To earn your State of Florida High School diploma, you score at least 145 points on each sub-test.
Register to take the Test at
About Us
1150 SE West St. Joseph’s Ave
Stuart FL 34997
772-219-1200 x43162 (Rosalyn Panet)
8:00am to 4:00pm
Coordinator of Adult Education
Melissa Eversdyke
772-219-1200 x43161 or x51160
High School/ General Questions:
Joshua Burgess
Dean of Students
772-219-1200 x43143
GED/Technical Questions:
Michael Boyd
Assessment Facilitator
772-219-1200 x43164
boydm@martinschools.orgESOL/GED General Questions:
Rosalyn Panet
Secretary for Adult Education
772-219-1200 x43162
Susana Moreno
Data Entry
772-219-1200 x 43163
Teaching Staff:
Destinee Leonard
GED (Day)
772-219-1200 x 43175
hineyj@martinschoos.orgSonia Amaya
ESOL (Day/Evening)
772-219-1200X 41377
amayas@martinschools.orgEla Downer
ESOL (DAY/Evening)
772-219-1200 X43166
Maps & Directions Stuart Campus
1150 SE West St. Joseph's Ave
Stuart FL 34996
772-219-1200 x43162