Join us as we celebrate Math Week April 10-14! ¡Únete a nosotros mientras celebramos la Semana de las Matemáticas abril 10-14!
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
Math Week Flyer
We're so proud to honor our outstanding Martin County School District assistant principals, who lead each day by action and example. Help us celebrate National Assistant Principals Week by sharing a message of gratitude with your favorite MCSD assistant principal! #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud #APWeek23
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
National AP Week
Hello Pinewood Family, We hope the children enjoyed the book fair. If you were not able to attend conferences last week, please contact your child's teacher to be aware of your child's current levels of performance. Here are this week's events: 4/4- Cub Scouts 6:30pm 4/5 Girl Scouts - 5:00pm 4/6-Glow Night 6:00pm 4/7-No School Coming soon: 4/14-PTA Bingo Night 4/18- SAC Meeting Hola familia Pinewood, Esperamos que los niños hayan disfrutado de la feria del libro. Si no pudo asistir a la noche de la conferencia la semana pasada, comunicate con el maestro de su hijo para conocer los niveles actuales de rendimiento de su hijo. Aquí estan los eventos de esta semana: 4/4- Cub Scouts 6:30 p. m. 4/5-Girl Scouts 5:00 p. m. 4/6-Noche de brillo 6:00 p. m. 4/7-No hay clases Muy pronto: 4/14-Noche de bingo de la PTA 4/18- Reunión del SAC
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
Calling all Pinewood Panthers! Make a plan to join us for our first ever PWE Glow Show on Thursday, April 6th from 6:00-7:00. See you there!
over 1 year ago, J.D. Parker Elementary
glow show flyer
💧WATER FEST 2023💧 ICYMI...Martin County School District students participated in Water Fest 2023 this past Saturday! Our students and staff created great tables filled with fun activities and lots of important information about water! Thank you to Students4H2O and StuartLife - The City of Stuart, Florida for including us and making #WaterFest possible! #ALLINMartin👊 #TheWorldWeWant
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Martin County Schools participate at Water Fest 2023
Martin County Schools participate at Water Fest 2023
Martin County Schools participate at Water Fest 2023
Martin County Schools participate at Water Fest 2023
Martin County Schools participate at Water Fest 2023
Martin County Schools participate at Water Fest 2023
Martin County Schools participate at Water Fest 2023
Martin County Schools participate at Water Fest 2023
Martin County Schools participate at Water Fest 2023
Martin County Schools participate at Water Fest 2023
🍎EDUCATING ALL STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS🍎 Families - third quarter report cards will be posted in the FOCUS Parent Portal on Friday, March 24. View your child's grades and attendance information: Claim your FOCUS Parent Portal account: #ALLINMartin👊
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
3rd Quarter Report Cards
⏰DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME⏰ Don't forget to set your manual clocks ahead one hour before going to bed this evening! We'll #SpringForward beginning at 2 a.m. tomorrow. #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Daylight Saving Time
Happy #SpringBreak, families! We wish your family a safe, relaxing vacation and hope that you will find time to enjoy the magic of reading together! Watch as several of our elementary students share the books they are looking forward to enjoying next week ➡ #ALLINMartin👊
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Spring Break Reading
Join us for our Monthly School Advisory Council Meeting (SAC), Tuesday, March 21st at 5:30 pm. We will be taking input for the parent trainings, family events, communication etc., that we can add, change, delete or improve upon. The document is called the Parent and Family Engagement Plan (PFEP). We will provide childcare for your child and snack. Únase a nosotros para nuestra reunión mensual del Consejo Asesor Escolar (SAC), el martes 21 de marzo a las 5:30 p. m. Tomaremos información para las capacitaciones para padres, eventos familiares, comunicación, etc., que podemos agregar, cambiar, eliminar o mejorar. El documento se llama Plan de participación de padres y familias (PFEP). Proporcionaremos cuidado de niños para su hijo y merienda.
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
SAC Agenda
📚CELEBRATING OUR HISTORY📚 Ms. E. Thelma Waters was a celebrated civic leader in the Village of Indiantown, FL Government whom we celebrate for #BlackHistoryMonth! Ms. Waters had an inspirational determination to ensure a quality and equitable education for her children and countless others in her community. She was named to the Florida Commission on the Status of Women in 2020 and was one of three people who signed the Articles of Incorporation for the Village of Indiantown. #ALLINMartin👊
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Celebrating E. Thelma Waters for Black History Month
🏃🏼‍♂️🏃🏽‍♀️CELEBRATING SPORTSMANSHIP 🏃🏼‍♂️🏃🏽‍♀️ Congratulations to all of our elementary student-athletes, coaches and supporters on a fantastic 39th Annual Russell Holloway Elementary Track Meet! Here are this year’s winners: *Girls* 🥉- Crystal Lake Elementary School 🥈- Felix A. Williams Elementary 🥇- Citrus Grove Elementary School *Boys* 🥉- Hobe Sound Elementary School 🥈- J. D. Parker School Of Technology 🥇- Citrus Grove Elementary School *Overall Winners* 🥉- Felix A. Williams Elementary 🥈- Crystal Lake Elementary School 🥇- Citrus Grove Elementary School *Sportsmanship Award* The Pinewood Elementary #ALLINMartin👊
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Citrus Grove Elementary wins 1st Overall for the second year
Crystal Lake Elementary wins 2nd Overall
Felix A Williams Elementary wins 3rd Overall
Pinewood Elementary wins Sportsmanship Award
🇺🇲SAFE DELIVERY🇺🇲 Martin County Fire Rescue is all about rescuing people when they need help, and we appreciate them for their hard work. Unfortunately, for some of the eggs, no amount of firefighters could save them from their fate. That was up to Martin County School District students to create egg protection devices during the annual Egg Drop Competition! Of the 154 students who participated in this year's Egg Drop challenge, 52 eggs survived in their homemade protection devices. We are very proud of all our students, and we appreciate the assistance from the firefighters! #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud #MCSDTheRippleEffect
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Martin County Fire and Rescue drops eggs for students at Martin County Fair
Martin County Fire and Rescue drops eggs for students at Martin County Fair
Martin County Fire and Rescue drops eggs for students at Martin County Fair
Martin County Fire and Rescue drops eggs for students at Martin County Fair
🇺🇲SAFE DELIVERY🇺🇲 Martin County Fire Rescue is all about rescuing people when they need help, and we appreciate them for their hard work. Unfortunately, for some of the eggs, no amount of firefighters could save them from their fate. That was up to Martin County School District students to create egg protection devices during the annual Egg Drop Competition! Of the 154 students who participated in this year's Egg Drop challenge, 52 eggs survived in their homemade protection devices. We are very proud of all our students, and we appreciate the assistance from the firefighters! #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud #MCSDTheRippleEffect
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Martin County Fire and Rescue drops eggs for students at Martin County Fair
Martin County Fire and Rescue drops eggs for students at Martin County Fair
Martin County Fire and Rescue drops eggs for students at Martin County Fair
Martin County Fire and Rescue drops eggs for students at Martin County Fair
🇺🇲SAFE DELIVERY🇺🇲 Martin County Fire Rescue is all about rescuing people when they need help, and we appreciate them for their hard work. Unfortunately, for some of the eggs, no amount of firefighters could save them from their fate. That was up to Martin County School District students to create egg protection devices during the annual Egg Drop Competition! Of the 154 students who participated in this year's Egg Drop challenge, 52 eggs survived in their homemade protection devices. We are very proud of all our students, and we appreciate the assistance from the firefighters! #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud #MCSDTheRippleEffect
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
MArtin County Fire and Rescue drops eggs in protection devices created by MCSD students
MArtin County Fire and Rescue drops eggs in protection devices created by MCSD students
MArtin County Fire and Rescue drops eggs in protection devices created by MCSD students
MArtin County Fire and Rescue drops eggs in protection devices created by MCSD students
Hello PWE Families, Our Rock-a-Thon is being rescheduled to March 10th due to unforeseen circumstances. We apologize for the late notice and appreciate your understanding. The PTA is continuing to plan for an even greater event on March 10th. More communication will be forthcoming. Have a great evening. Hola familias de PWE, Nuestro Rock-a-Thon se reprogramará para el 10 de marzo debido a circunstancias imprevistas. Pedimos disculpas por el aviso tardío y agradecemos su comprensión. La PTA continúa planeando un evento aún mayor el 10 de marzo. Próximamente habrá más comunicaciones. Que tengas una buena tarde.
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
While another year has passed, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Broward County Public Schools and the City of Parkland will forever remain in our thoughts and hearts. We will never forget. #ALLINMartin #MSDStrong
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
MSD Remembrance
📚CELEBRATING BLACK HISTORY MONTH📚 As we continue to celebrate #BlackHistoryMonth, we are proud to honor Ms. Marian McKinney Carpenter. As a former principal of Port Salerno Elementary School and Martin County School Board Member, she touched the lives of countless Martin County students. #ALLINMartin👊
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Marian McKinney Carpenter--Black History Month
Hola panteras, Esta semana celebramos el amor, la amistad y la bondad. Todos los días de esta semana buscaremos actos de bondad al azar. Estos son los eventos de esta semana: Lunes y miércoles: práctica de pista para niñas de 2 a 2:40 p. m. Martes y jueves: práctica de pista para niños de 2 a 2:40 p. m. 14/2 - ¡Feliz día de los enamorados! 2/16 - Práctica de animador y práctica de Musica en nuestras escuelas 2/17 - Día de Actos de Bondad 2/17 - Maratón de rock 2/20 - No hay clases Cualquier cambio de despido debe ser enviado por escrito antes de la 1:00 PM. Las clases van y vienen de artes relacionadas o receso hasta la 1:45 p. m., lo que dificulta la entrega de mensajes. Esto le dará a la oficina el tiempo suficiente para asegurarse de que su hijo haya recibido el mensaje. Además, los cambios a una tarjeta de emergencia solo se pueden hacer en persona y con una identificación con foto. Esto incluye agregar o eliminar personas autorizadas para la recogida. Gracias.
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
Hello Panthers, This week we celebrate love, friendship, and kindness. Every day this week we will be looking out for random acts of kindness. Here are the events for this week: Mondays and Wednesdays - Girls track practice 2-2:40pm Tuesday and Thursday - Boys track practice 2-2:40pm 2/14 - Happy Valentine's Day! 2/16 - Cheer Practice and MIOS Practice 2/17 - Random Acts of Kindness Day 2/17 - Rock-A-Thon 2/20 - No School Any changes of dismissal, need to be sent in writing by 1:00 PM. Classes are moving to and from related arts or recess until 1:45 pm, making it difficult to deliver messages. This will give the front office sufficient time to ensure your child receives the message. Also, changes to an emergency card can only be made in person and with photo identification. This includes adding or deleting authorized persons for pick-up. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
🎉CELEBRATING SCHOOL COUNSELORS🎉 In honor of National School Counseling Week, Martin County School District staff and students want to thank all the school counselors in the District! Counselors do it all, from mental health and teaching Character Counts, to assisting students with their schedules and setting them up for life after high school...without school counselors, we don't have academic success! Thank you, school counselors, for everything you do for students and staff. Click the link to watch a heartfelt thank you message: #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud #MCSDTheRippleEffect
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
National School Counseling Week 2023