Splash Around The World Event Join us January 26, 2023 6:00-7:30 pm
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
Event Flyer for 1/26
Event Flyer for 1/26 Spanish
Panther Families, Your child will be taking home a packet with information regarding a new fundraiser. We are trying this out this year. Remember, that participation is optional. The only thing you and your child need to do is spread the word via email to as many friends and family as possible. Once you do that, a code will be given to you to place in the envelope and return to the school. Your child will receive an adorable animal hugger just for returning the envelope with the code. Other prizes can be won! More information is coming home today with your child. Thank you. Familias de PInewood,, Su hijo se llevará a casa un paquete con información sobre una nueva recaudación de fondos. Estamos probando esto este año. Recuerda que la participación es opcional. Lo único que deben hacer usted y su hijo es correr la voz por correo electrónico a tantos amigos y familiares como sea posible. Una vez que lo haga, se le dará un código para que lo coloque en el sobre y lo devuelva a la escuela. Su hijo recibirá un adorable abrazador de animales solo por devolver el sobre con el código. ¡Se pueden ganar otros premios! Más información llegará a casa hoy con su hijo. Gracias.
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
School Advisory Council Meeting Thursday, January 12, 2023 5:30 pm Childcare is available Meeting Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Greeting and Introductions 3. Review & Accept Minutes 4. FAST PM2 Data Review 5. School Improvement Plan Mid-Year Reflection 6. SAC Funds 7. Principal’s Corner 8. Adjournment
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
School Advisory Council (SAC) El cuidado de niños estára disponible Agenda de la reunión Enero 12, 2023 5:30 PM 1. Llamar reunión a Orden 2. Saludo y Presentaciones 3. Revisar y aceptar los minutos 4. Reviso de resultados de FAST PM2 5. Plan de mejoramiento escolar-Reflexión de mitad de año 6. Fondos SAC 7. Rincón del director 8. Aplazamiento
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
Hello Pinewood Family, Last week we welcomed everyone back and shared with each other all the wonderful memories that were made during winter break. This week, we continue our focus on learning. Several events are being planned for this second semester, including the following for the week of January 9-13: Thursday 1/12 - SAC Meeting 5:30 pm (child care available) No School on Monday, January 16th. Upcoming events: 1/19 - PTA Mtg. 1/26 - Splash Around The World event Hola familia Pinewood, La semana pasada les dimos la bienvenida a todos y compartimos todos los maravillosos recuerdos que se crearon durante las vacaciones de invierno. Esta semana, continuamos nuestro enfoque en el aprendizaje. Se están planificando varios eventos para este segundo semestre, incluidos los siguientes para la semana del 9 al 13 de enero: Jueves 1/12 - Reunión SAC 5:30 pm (cuidado de niños disponible) No hay clases el lunes 16 de enero. Próximos Eventos: 1/19 - Reunión de la PTA. 26/1 - Evento Splash Around The World
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
Event Flyer for 1/26
📣 YOUR CALLING IS CALLING! 📣 Are you or someone you know looking to begin 2023 with a new career? Join us for our Pop-up Job Fair on January 11 from 3-6 p.m. You'll have the opportunity to chat with our recruiters to discuss career opportunities and your goals/qualifications. On-the-spot offers of employment will be extended to qualified candidates! Learn more and RSVP: http://bit.ly/3Vzsxwx #ALLINMartin👊
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Job Fair
Hello Pinewood Families, The school day begins at 7:30 am, which means students should be at their seat, starting their academic day at that time. Any student that is not in their classroom at 7:30 am is marked absent until they arrive in the classroom, at which time they are marked tardy. If your child is arriving to school at or after 7:30 am, please make sure they have had something to eat. Breakfast at PWE is free and is served between 7:00-7:30 am. This means your child is in the cafeteria, in the breakfast line before 7:30 am. Your child’s schedule is purposefully designed to account for every minute of instruction. If students arrive after 7:30 am, they will be missing critical content being taught or additional support being offered. We appreciate your cooperation in speaking with your child about the importance of being responsible and accountable for their learning success. The Pinewood Elementary Hola familias de Pinewood, La jornada escolar comienza a las 7:30 am, lo que significa que los estudiantes deben estar en su asiento, comenzando su jornada académica a esa hora. Cualquier estudiante que no esté en su salón de clases a las 7:30 am se marcará como ausente hasta que llegue al salón de clases, en cuyo momento se marcará tarde. Si su hijo llega a la escuela a las 7:30 am o después, asegúrese de que haya comido algo. El desayuno en PWE es gratuito y se sirve entre las 7:00 y las 7:30 a. m. Esto significa que su hijo está en la cafetería, en la fila del desayuno antes de las 7:30 am. El horario de su hijo está diseñado a propósito para dar cuenta de cada minuto de instrucción. Si los estudiantes llegan después de las 7:30 am, se perderán el contenido crítico que se les está enseñando o perderán el apoyo adicional que se le ofrece a esa hora. Agradecemos su cooperación al hablar con su hijo sobre la importancia de ser responsable de su éxito en el aprendizaje. La primaria Pinewood
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
As we reflect on 2022, we can't help but feel blessed working alongside of such an amazing community. Thank you for sharing your children with us and allowing us to be a part of your child's life. Wishing all of our families a safe and happy New Year! Mientras reflexionamos sobre 2022, no podemos evitar sentirnos bendecidos trabajando junto a una comunidad tan increíble. Gracias por compartir a sus hijos con nosotros y permitirnos ser parte de la vida de su hijo. ¡Deseamos a todas nuestras familias un Año Nuevo seguro y feliz!
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
Happy New Year 2023
Hello Pinewood Families, The school day begins at 7:30 am, which means students should be at their seat, starting their academic day at that time. Any student that is not in their classroom at 7:30 am is marked absent until they arrive in the classroom, at which time they are marked tardy. If your child is arriving to school at or after 7:30 am, please make sure they have had something to eat. Breakfast at PWE is free and is served between 7:00-7:30 am. This means your child is in the cafeteria, in the breakfast line before 7:30 am. Your child’s schedule is purposefully designed to account for every minute of instruction. If students arrive after 7:30 am, they will be missing critical content being taught or additional support being offered. We appreciate your cooperation in speaking with your child about the importance of being responsible and accountable for their learning success. The Pinewood Elementary Hola familias de Pinewood, La jornada escolar comienza a las 7:30 am, lo que significa que los estudiantes deben estar en su asiento, comenzando su jornada académica a esa hora. Cualquier estudiante que no esté en su salón de clases a las 7:30 am se marcará como ausente hasta que llegue al salón de clases, en cuyo momento se marcará tarde. Si su hijo llega a la escuela a las 7:30 am o después, asegúrese de que haya comido algo. El desayuno en PWE es gratuito y se sirve entre las 7:00 y las 7:30 a. m. Esto significa que su hijo está en la cafetería, en la fila del desayuno antes de las 7:30 am. El horario de su hijo está diseñado a propósito para dar cuenta de cada minuto de instrucción. Si los estudiantes llegan después de las 7:30 am, se perderán el contenido crítico que se les está enseñando o perderán el apoyo adicional que se le ofrece a esa hora. Agradecemos su cooperación al hablar con su hijo sobre la importancia de ser responsable de su éxito en el aprendizaje. La primaria Pinewood
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
❄YEAR IN REVIEW: WINTER BREAK COUNTDOWN❄ For the second consecutive year, Superintendent John D. Millay and the Martin County School District's (MCSD) Professional Development team hosted Back-to-School Convocation for all employees! Convocation Day is like a pep rally for employees. The event helps Team MCSD celebrate the start of each new school year, highlighting the "why" behind everything we do - the success of ALL students! WATCH: https://youtu.be/vfgIs1FCVpg #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud #MCSDTheRippleEffect
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
MCSD employees shine their lights at the 22-23 Convocation Day
From our Pinewood Family to yours...
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
Happy Holidays
Hello Pinewood Families, The school day begins at 7:30 am, which means students should be at their seat, starting their academic day at that time. Any student that is not in their classroom at 7:30 am is marked absent until they arrive in the classroom, at which time they are marked tardy. If your child is arriving to school at or after 7:30 am, please make sure they have had something to eat. Breakfast at PWE is free and is served between 7:00-7:30 am. This means your child is in the cafeteria, in the breakfast line before 7:30 am. Your child’s schedule is purposefully designed to account for every minute of instruction. If students arrive after 7:30 am, they will be missing critical content being taught or additional support being offered. We appreciate your cooperation in speaking with your child about the importance of being responsible and accountable for their learning success. The Pinewood Elementary Hola familias de Pinewood, La jornada escolar comienza a las 7:30 am, lo que significa que los estudiantes deben estar en su asiento, comenzando su jornada académica a esa hora. Cualquier estudiante que no esté en su salón de clases a las 7:30 am se marcará como ausente hasta que llegue al salón de clases, en cuyo momento se marcará tarde. Si su hijo llega a la escuela a las 7:30 am o después, asegúrese de que haya comido algo. El desayuno en PWE es gratuito y se sirve entre las 7:00 y las 7:30 a. m. Esto significa que su hijo está en la cafetería, en la fila del desayuno antes de las 7:30 am. El horario de su hijo está diseñado a propósito para dar cuenta de cada minuto de instrucción. Si los estudiantes llegan después de las 7:30 am, se perderán el contenido crítico que se les está enseñando o perderán el apoyo adicional que se le ofrece a esa hora. Agradecemos su cooperación al hablar con su hijo sobre la importancia de ser responsable de su éxito en el aprendizaje. La primaria Pinewood
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
❄YEAR IN REVIEW: WINTER BREAK COUNTDOWN❄ In February, each Martin County School District-operated elementary school hosted a kindergarten orientation event for families. We spoke with staff and families at Palm City Elementary School and Pinewood Elementary school as they geared up to take flight in the 2022-2023 school year. Click link to watch: https://youtu.be/ujb9mOjPEzU #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud #MCSDTheRippleEffect
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
🎄DELICIOUS HOLIDAY TREATS🎄 Rudolph the red nose... celery stick? Yep! Our Food and Nutrition Services staff are so creative! Check out the scrumptious food the team cooked up at Jensen Beach High School 🥕 Don't forget! Today, students get a free holiday cookie with any meal purchase! #ALLINMartin👊
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
FNS staff create festive treats before Winter Break
FNS staff create festive treats before Winter Break
FNS staff create festive treats before Winter Break
🍎EDIBLE HOLIDAY ARRANGEMENTS🍎 Check out these festive food arrangements from our jolly Food & Nutrition Services Department! To spread some holiday cheer ahead of Winter Break, the FNS team created snowman salads and strawberry Santas for students to enjoy! Tomorrow, for a special gift, any meal purchase comes with a free holiday cookie 🍪🎄 #ALLINMartin👊
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
FNS creates special treats for last few days before Winter Break
FNS creates special treats for last few days before Winter Break
FNS creates special treats for last few days before Winter Break
🍎 OBSERVING OUTSTANDING INSTRUCTION🍎 Superintendent Dr. John D. Millay participated in a learning walk at Pinewood Elementary School today. "Learning walks are one of many tools we use to learn about the great things happening at each of our schools," Dr. Millay shared. "In addition to observation and engagement, it allows our leadership team to learn about additional ways we can offer support." In Ms. Lacey's class, students benefit from using technology to provide large visuals as they learn strategies and develop their writing skills. #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
PWE Learning Walk
PWE Learning Walk
PWE Learning Walk
PWE Learning Walk
Hello Pinewood Families, What a great time we had shopping for gifts for our loved ones at the Holiday Gift Shop and showing our moves at the Holiday Dance! Thank you to everyone who had a hand in putting these events together as they bring us closer together as a community. This is our final week before winter break. We are still having mid-year assessments and completing academic standards before we enjoy our 2 weeks with our families. We need our Panthers present and on time. Here are this week's events: 12/12-12/14 - Mid Year Assessments 12/14 - Girl Scouts 12/15 - Grinch attire or wear green 12/16 - Dress like a holiday character and end of the 2nd quarter Hola familias de Pinewood, ¡Qué bien lo pasamos comprando regalos para nuestros seres queridos en la Tienda de Regalos Navideños y mostrando nuestros movimientos en el Baile Navideño! Gracias a todos los que participaron en la organización de estos eventos, ya que nos acercan más como comunidad. Esta es nuestra última semana antes de las vacaciones de invierno. Todavía estamos teniendo evaluaciones de mitad de año y completando los estándares académicos antes de disfrutar nuestras 2 semanas con nuestras familias. Necesitamos que nuestros Panthers estén presentes y a tiempo. Aquí están los eventos de esta semana: 12/12-12/14 - Evaluaciones de mitad de año 12/14 - Niñas exploradoras 12/15 - Vestimenta Grinch o viste de verde 12/16 - Vístete como un personaje festivo y final del 2º trimestre
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
Hello Pinewood Family, A huge THANK YOU to the staff and volunteers who created the float for this year's parade. It was absolutely beautiful! another huge THANK YOU for all of our students and families who joined us and walked the parade route with us. It was a very special, one of a kind, experience! This week we continue taking our mid year assessments. Please make sure your children are in school and on time every day. Here are this week's events: 12/5-12/7 - Kindergarten STAR Assessment - Mid year 12/5-12/9 - Holiday Shop 12/6 - Cub Scout Meeting 12/7 - Girl Scout Meeting 12/8 - Mid Year Assessments for 1st, 4th and 5th grade 12/8 - Holiday fun - wear Flannel 12/9 - Mid Year Math for 4th & 5th grade 12/9 - Holiday Fun - Wear holiday shirt or ugly sweater 12/9 - Winter Dance at 6 pm Hola familia Pinewood, MUCHAS GRACIAS al personal y los voluntarios que crearon la carroza para el desfile de este año. ¡Fue absolutamente hermoso! Otro enorme GRACIAS por todos nuestros estudiantes y familias que se unieron a nosotros y recorrieron la ruta del desfile con nosotros. ¡Fue una experiencia muy especial, única en su tipo! Esta semana continuamos tomando nuestras evaluaciones de mitad de año. Por favor, asegúrese de que sus hijos estén en la escuela ya tiempo todos los días. Estos son los eventos de esta semana: 12/5-12/7 - Evaluación STAR de Kindergarten - Mitad de año 12/5-12/9 - Tienda navideña 12/6 - Reunión de Cub Scouts 12/7 - Reunión de Girl Scouts 12/8 - Evaluaciones de mitad de año para 1°, 4° y 5° grado 12/8 - Diversión festiva - vístete de franela 12/9 - Matemáticas de mitad de año para 4.° y 5.° grado 12/9 - Diversión festiva - Use una camisa festiva o un suéter feo 12/9 - Baile de Invierno a las 6 pm
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
🗓ON THE CALENDAR🗓 Superintendent Millay has recommended modifications to our previously-announced emergency makeup days. There will be no school or work for students and employees on December 19 -20, 2022. Learn more: https://www.martinschools.org/article/927297 #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
over 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Join us for the Stuart Christmas Parade today at 7 pm. The flyer shows the location and route. PWE has a float this year!
over 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
Parade Flyer