⭐HONORING SERVICE⭐ Congratulations to Martin County Sheriff's Office Deputies Dale Hardy and Brian Merrifield for their years of service to the Martin County community! Both have bravely served with MCSO for ten years! Deputy Hardy currently serves as the SRO at Warfield Elementary School, and Deputy Merrifield is the SRO at The Pinewood Elementary. We are so thankful for our partnership with MCSO and grateful for the years these deputies have spent keeping our students safe! Thank you, Deputy Hardy and Deputy Merrifield, for everything you do for our students! 👏🎉⭐ #️ALLINMartin👊 #MCSDBettherTogether💫
about 1 year ago, Martin County School District
SRO Merrifield celebrated for 10 years of service with MCSO
SRO Hardy celebrated for 10 years of service with MCSO
Hurricane Idalia is rapidly approaching the west coast of Florida and is expected to bring powerful winds and storm surge as it approaches Category 3 strength. While Martin County is not currently operating under any storm-related watches or warnings, our area is expected to experience heavy rains and wind gusts from the storm. Any time severe weather has the potential to impact our area, the Martin County School District works closely with national, state, and county management officials, including the Martin County Emergency Operations Center, to determine how operations may be impacted. Our top priority is to ensure the safety of our students, employees, and families. We will continue to monitor the path of the storm and will provide updates as needed through our mass notification (callout/text) system, website and social media channels. We encourage families and employees to make necessary preparations that will help ensure their safety during severe weather conditions, such as reviewing emergency plans and stocking up on essential supplies. We encourage you to take advantage of the Florida Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday, which began this past weekend. It lasts until Friday, September 8. We appreciate your patience, understanding and support as we continue to monitor local weather conditions.
about 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Tracking the Storm
📈LEVELING UP📈 Collaboration is always in action in the Martin County School District! These teachers are teaming up to become literacy coaches or leveling up their coaching skills, by working to earn their Florida Reading Coach Endorsement. MCSD Professional Learning Department team member Stephanie Ressler, along with Curriculum and Instruction’s Courtney Beard and Maureen Mannion from Pinewood Elementary, are leading the charge in delivering the Florida Literacy Coach Endorsement Professional Development for these future literacy coaches. The coursework provides an opportunity for coaches to improve their coaching knowledge and skills by engaging in reading, analyzing videos, participating in activities related to the standards with others in the course, and developing culminating projects for each module to demonstrate their growing knowledge and abilities. 📖📹🤝 Literacy coaches serve as a stable resource for professional development and ongoing support for teachers and school leaders throughout a school to generate improvement in literacy instruction and student achievement. 💡🎓 We are working together to raise the bar for education and become the #1 District in Florida! #ALLINMartin👊 #MCSDBetterTogether💫
about 1 year ago, Martin County School District
MCSD educators working to become literacy coaches
MCSD educators working to become literacy coaches
MCSD educators working to become literacy coaches
🍎CURRICULUM NIGHTS🍎 Reminder: Martin County School District school sites will host Curriculum Night for families starting tomorrow, August 23! Get a glimpse of the timetable, routine and curriculum breakdown of what will be covered throughout the year, and learn about homework and organizational expectations. Curriculum nights are very informative! You can find specific times and dates for your child's school on our comprehensive back-to-school webpage here: https://www.martinschools.org/page/reopening #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
about 1 year ago, Martin County School District
B2S Curriculum Nights
Hello Pinewood Families, We hope you can join us this week for our School Advisory Council Meeting (SAC). We will be introducing our School Improvement Pan (SIP) goals for this school year. This is BIG news! We, as a community, will be working together to achieve these goals to provide and expect "nothing but excellence" from each other. We also look forward to seeing you at your grade level's Curriculum Night. It will begin at 6pm in the Cafetorium. These are the important dates for this week: 8/22 - SAC Meeting 5:30pm 8/22 - Cub Scouts 6:30pm Curriculum Night 6-7:30pm 8/23 - K-2nd grade 8/24 - 3rd-5th grade Let's have a great week PANTHERS! Hola familias de Pinewood, Esperamos que pueda unirse a nosotros esta semana para nuestra Reunión del Consejo Asesor Escolar (SAC). Estaremos presentando nuestras metas del Plan de Mejoramiento Escolar (SIP) para este año escolar. ¡Esta es una GRAN noticia! Nosotros, como comunidad, trabajaremos juntos para lograr estos objetivos para proporcionar y esperar "nada más que excelencia" unos de otros. También esperamos verlos en la Noche de Currículo de su grado. Comenzará a las 6pm en el Cafetorio. Estas son las fechas importantes para esta semana: 8/22 - Reunión del SAC 5:30 p. m. 8/22 - Cub Scouts 6:30 p. m. Noche de Currículo 6-7:30pm 8/23 - K-2do grado 8/24 - 3° a 5° grado ¡Que tengamos una gran semana PANTERAS!
about 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
🏵️CELEBRATING HISPANIC HERITAGE🏵️ Martin County School District students have the opportunity to commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month while also having a chance to win a college scholarship! The Florida Department of Education and Volunteer Florida recently announced the 2023 Hispanic Heritage Month art, essay and educator contests. This year's theme is “Celebrating Florida’s Hispanic Heroes and their Contributions to Freedom.” Head to our website for more information: https://www.martinschools.org/article/1205626 All entries must be received by 5 p.m. (ET) on Monday, September 18, 2023. #ALLINMartin👊
about 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Hispanic Heritage Month contest
Join the School Advisory Council (SAC) as we present the School Improvement Plan (SIP) which are the goals for this school year. All parents are invited. Child care is provided for school-aged children by a school staff member. Light refreshments will be served. We need your input. August 22nd at 5:30 pm. Únase al Consejo Asesor Escolar (SAC) mientras presentamos el Plan de Mejoramiento Escolar (SIP) que son las metas para este año escolar. Todos los padres están invitados. Un miembro del personal de la escuela proporciona cuidado de niños para niños en edad escolar. Se servirán aperitivos ligeros. 22 de agosto a las 5:30 pm.
about 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
Agenda 8/22/23
DONUT miss out on the most delicious fundraiser! DONUT wait another minute and order August 14th-August 18th. See the flyer attached for more information or use this link: https://pwepanthers.memberhub.com/store/items/892600 ¡NO se pierda la recaudación de fondos más deliciosa! NO espera otro minuto y ordena del 14 al 18 de agosto. Consulte el folleto adjunto para obtener más información o use este enlace: https://pwepanthers.memberhub.com/store/items/892600
about 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
Fundraiser Flyer
🎉FIRST FULL WEEK🎉 📚It's the first official week back, MCSD! Put your thinking caps back on and make it a great week. Everyday is a chance to learn, grow and create new possibilities. Here's to a week full of learning, curiosity and achievement. #ALLINMartin #PublicSchoolProud
about 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Hello Pinewood Family, We had a great start this past week. If your child is a car rider, please make sure you have your sign showing onthe windshield until your child enters your vehicle. Here are the events for this week: 8/14-8/18 - PTA Krispy Kreme Fundraiser 8/15 - Cub Scout Meeting 6:30pm K-2 FAST/STAR PM1 assessment willbe taking place the entire month of August. 3rd-5th FAST PM1 will take place 8/21-8/30. Have a great weekend. Hola familia Pinewood, Tuvimos un gran comienzo la semana pasada. Si su hijo viaja en automóvil, asegúrese de tener su letrero en el parabrisas hasta que su hijo ingrese a su vehículo. Estos son los eventos de esta semana: 8/14-8/18 - Recaudación de fondos Krispy Kreme de la PTA 8/15 - Reunión de Cub Scouts 6:30 p. m. La evaluación K-2 FAST/STAR PM1 se llevará a cabo durante todo el mes de agosto. 3rd-5th FAST PM1 se llevará a cabo del 21 al 30 de agosto. Ten un excelente fin de semana.
about 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
Thank you for a terrific first day of school! Looking forward to another amazing 179 days of school. We appreciate your patience in the car line. We finished dismissal 15 minutes earlier than our first day last school year. If you have any changes in dismissal tomorrow please send a note with your child or call the front office before 12 pm. Thank you. ¡Gracias por un excelente primer día de clases! Esperando otros increíbles 179 días de clases. Agradecemos su paciencia en la fila de autos. Terminamos la salida 15 minutos antes que nuestro primer día el año escolar pasado. Si tiene algún cambio en la salida de mañana, envíe una nota con su hijo o llame a la oficina principal antes de las 12:00 p. m. Gracias.
about 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
🍎📚WELCOME BACK, STUDENTS🍎📚 🌟 The much-awaited day is finally here! 🎉 Let's kick-start this new journey with a new vision, pathway and possibility! 🕰️ Please remember to exercise patience and caution as our schools, staff and families navigate the challenges of a new school year. We are #MCSDBetterTogether! ❓ Need support? Connect with knowledgeable District staff here: https://martinschools.org/page/lets-talk We look forward to beginning our ascent to the top of Florida's educational accountability system this school year. #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolPROUD
about 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Welcome Back
Welcome back Pinewood Family, We are so excited to see you again. We have missed your smiles and hugs. Please read this in its entirety. Tomorrow is Meet the Teacher: 12-1:30 pm Kindergarten to 2nd grade 1:00-2:30 pm 3rd-5th grade Please visit the cafeteria to get your car tag for students who are car riders, meet and speak to the PTA, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, volunteer liaisons, cafeteria manager, extended day, and parent liaisons. In the office you can turn in any registrations and only students who will ride the school bus can get their student ID. These are very important first day/week reminders: 1. Label your child’s belongings (not supplies) such as lunchboxes, water bottles, jackets/sweaters. 2. Young students should know and be able to communicate their first and last name. 3. Students should be at school by 7:20 am and in their seats ready to learn by 7:30 am. 4. Breakfast is served from 7:00-7:30 am. 5. PWE staff and safety patrol will walk students to their arrival area in the morning. starting on day 1 of school. Bienvenidos de nuevo familia Pinewood, Estamos muy emocionados de verte de nuevo. Hemos echado de menos tus sonrisas y abrazos. Por favor lea esto por completo. Mañana es Conoce al Maestro. 12:00 a 1:30 p. m. De jardín de infantes a 2.° grado 1:00-2:30 p. m. 3° a 5° grado Visite la cafetería para obtener la etiqueta de su automóvil para los estudiantes que viajan en automóvil, conozca y hable con la PTA, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, enlaces de voluntarios, gerente de la cafetería, día extendido y enlaces de padres. En la oficina puede entregar cualquier registro y solo los estudiantes que viajarán en el autobús escolar pueden obtener su identificación de estudiante. Estos son recordatorios muy importantes para el primer día/semana: 1. Etiquete las pertenencias de su hijo (no los suministros) como loncheras, botellas de agua, chaquetas/jerseys. 2. Los jóvenes estudiantes deben saber y poder comunicar su nombre y apellido. 3. Los estudiantes deben estar en la escuela a las 7:20 am y en sus asientos listos para aprender a las 7:30 am. 4. El desayuno se sirve de 7:00 a 7:30 a. m. 5. El personal de PWE y la patrulla de seguridad acompañarán a los estudiantes a su área de llegada en la mañana. a partir del día 1 de clases.
about 1 year ago, Susanna Deutsch
☀️🌊#MCSDSummerAdventures☀️🌊 The Pinewood Elementary twin sisters Grace and Victoria had an exciting summer adventure to Peru! "We had an amazing trip and visited many cities in Peru," proud mom Jodi shared. "The highlights of the trip for the girls were white water rafting on the Urubamba River, traveling on the train and visiting Machu Picchu and having a selfie contest with some llamas in Vicunas!" #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
about 1 year ago, Martin County School District
PWE twin sisters go to Peru for their summer adventure
PWE twin sisters go to Peru for their summer adventure
PWE twin sisters go to Peru for their summer adventure
PWE twin sisters go to Peru for their summer adventure
PWE twin sisters go to Peru for their summer adventure
🍎BACK TO SCHOOL🍎 REMINDER: Meet the teacher and 6th and 9th-grade orientations will be held this Wednesday, August 9th, the day BEFORE the 23-24 school year starts! This is the perfect opportunity for families to get to know the amazing teachers guiding their students on their educational journey this year! 🌟📚 You can find specific times for your child's school on our comprehensive back-to-school webpage here: https://www.martinschools.org/page/reopening #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud #MCSDBetterTogether
about 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Reminder: meet the teacher is Aug. 9th
☀️🌊#MCSDSummerAdventures☀️🌊 Sophie, a rising fifth-grader at The Pinewood Elementary, learned about freshwater lake ecosystems and water safety while enjoying lots of family fun at Lake Martin, Alabama! #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
about 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Sofie, a PWE student, had fun on the water in Alabama
☀️🌊#MCSDSummerAdventures☀️🌊 The Pinewood Elementary students Adelia, Logan and Sophia traveled all the way to Italia for their summer adventures! "They visited Rome, Florence, Sorrento, Capri, the Amalfi Coast, Pisa, Pompeii and Herculaneum," proud mom Krsytal shared. "The three siblings enjoyed immersing themselves in Italian cuisine, culture, and historic landmarks. They especially liked the Gelato. Lots of it!” #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
about 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Adelia, Logan and Sophia traveled all the way to Italia for their summer adventures!
Adelia, Logan and Sophia traveled all the way to Italia for their summer adventures!
Adelia, Logan and Sophia traveled all the way to Italia for their summer adventures!
Adelia, Logan and Sophia traveled all the way to Italia for their summer adventures!
Adelia, Logan and Sophia traveled all the way to Italia for their summer adventures!
Adelia, Logan and Sophia traveled all the way to Italia for their summer adventures!
Adelia, Logan and Sophia traveled all the way to Italia for their summer adventures!
Families- are you looking forward to viewing your child’s teacher assignment/class schedule in the FOCUS Parent Portal next week?! Get a jump start NOW by completing all of your back-to-school forms in FOCUS! Reviewing/updating your family's emergency contact info and completing parental consent selections in FOCUS will eliminate the need for you to complete paper forms once your child begins school next week. Click here to sign in to FOCUS and get started: https://martin.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/ Have questions about accessing your FOCUS Parent Portal account? Click here for answers to FAQs: https://www.martinschools.org/page/online-registration
about 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Back to School
☀️🌊#MCSDSummerAdventures☀️🌊 Martin County High School student Landon and Ross, a Pinewood Elementary student, recently traveled to tour a little bit of American history! "{They went to} Philadelphia to see the Liberty Bell, Boston for the Freedom Trail and Plymouth, Massachusetts to see Plymouth Rock. American history rocks," proud mom Judy shared. #ALLINMartin👊 #PublicSchoolProud
about 1 year ago, Martin County School District
Landon and Ross visit historical landmarks of US History
Landon and Ross visit historical landmarks of US History
Landon and Ross visit historical landmarks of US History
🎉WELCOME BACK!🎉 Welcome back, Teachers! This new academic year holds the promise of new visions, new pathways, and new possibilities. Together, we'll embark on a journey filled with endless opportunities to ignite curiosity, foster creativity, and empower the leaders of tomorrow. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to educating our students. #ALLINMartin #BetterTogether #PublicSchoolProud #BacktoSchool
about 1 year ago, Martin County School District